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Dempsy's Mom

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I've been away from the forum for a few days and was just getting caught up with the latest exploits of Lori & Dempsy. I got to page 4 and was so hoping that Gracie would have had a poop by now. Being a city girl, I can only imagine what your life must be like. Up early - long days but the rewards must make up for all the hard work. I do hope and pray that Gracie makes it - whichever way she can. Will be watching and waiting for further updates. Thank you for taking the time to keep us informed and bless you for all your efforts.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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I can ask the vet about molasses. We were just in there with another calf. Poor thing. Jim had pulled him earlier. When I went out to do chores he had ruptured his naval. Pretty bad, all of his intestines were out. We wrapped a towel around him, put him on a sled, slid it into the back of the pickup, I laid on him in the back of the pickup so he wouldn't stand, got him to the vets, but he said it was to much stuff out and a piece of it was missing - mom must of stepped on it. But then we learned that this little guy didn't have a butt hole. ? He was a nice big calf. ? We put him to sleep. .... I don't know - I am rubbing my forehead alot.

Then I asked the vet about Gracie, if there was anything he could suggest and he thought I could try a soapy warm enema. I might. Looked under Gracie's tail (no butt hole made me want to double check) - She didn't care much for me looking. But I did see that a little stuff came out - not much - and she farts. So all good signs. I am sorry you guys probably more than you wanted to know.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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How often does this happen, Lori? It sounds like you've really had some bad luck with calves this year.

At least food is apparently moving through Gracie's system. I wouldn't want to have to try the enema thing with a calf but it's probably easier than giving a Cairn an enema. (Can you imagine??! Buffy will barely tolerate the occasional thermometer.)

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We do have ruptured navals once in a while, but never to this extreme. I think extra pressure was up on the naval due to no anal relief. And I have never seen no anal, neither has Jim. It was just perfect skin there. Absolutely no sign that a hole was supposed to be there.

I think I will try an enema if nothing happens in the next hour. We have a neighbor coming over to freeze brand some heifers right now and he is real knowledgable on vet skills. Going to pick his brain first. Beautiful day - Dempsy and the calf were in the back yard for a while.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Idaho Cairns

Hang in there Lori, it kind of feels like you are getting over the hump with Gracie. Maybe that "danger zone" is retreating with the hours that go by now. Life and death, life and death, always remember the cycle. Thanks for the update.

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I've never heard of not having a hole back there either. New one on me. As for the constapation for Gracie you could try glycerin suppositories it is the ingredient in soap that makes it work. I used them on my children and myself. A lot safer than the pills so the doctor told me and a lot easier than an enema. You can buy them at Walmart in children or adult size. They work in a few minutes instead of overnight. I hope you find something that works.

I am sorry you are having a hard time with the calves this year. I hope no more problems arise. Keep us posted.

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This is a very touching story which is your reality. God bless you for taking such good care of your animals. You have a real heart....

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I've never heard of not having a hole back there either. New one on me.

I was close friends with a couple who bred their long-haired (pure-bred) kitty. And one

of them was born without an "exit strategy". Same thing, euthanasia.

There are a lot of things we can't understand...just bear it.

Max and Nelly

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Well Gracie pooed. The video is kinda silly. The neighbor had trouble with a calf so he was running late. I told Jim I thought we should go ahead with an enema. We took a dish soap bottle with a little suds, warm water. Jim thought he had a little plastic hose in the shop. Meanwhile I was thinking that Gracie's hole is pretty small and I took apart an ink pen - perfect - if I used the ball point end it would slide right in. Put the hose on the bottle the other end of the hose over the top part of the pen and squirted it in. :) Took about 10 minutes and little Gracie pooed. It came out just like normal calf poo, so I think we are ok on that end.

I have two moms to choose from now. I made a video of mom meeting Gracie and Dempsy playing with Gracie but for some reason it isn't posting and I am tired and going to bed. Little Grace is all snuggled in downstairs. Good night all.


Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Oh my word Lori, my head is spinning, just reading about all the things you are dealing with!!! Sorry about the little calf that was put down -- you must have nerves of steel to manage picking up his innards and getting him to the vet! Makes me even more grateful that Gracie is doing as well as she is.

Just curious, how many calves are you expecting this season?

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Sounds like Demps was sounding off in the background there! So he must have been excited to see that calf pooping...

I expect that each day the little calf makes it through improves her chances, right? I really hope she makes it - what a trooper.

But you and Demps are real troopers too. Glad there are folks like you sand your hubby caring for the little ones in this world.

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What goes in must come out... so glad it did. Dempsey is encouraging wee Gracie on.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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We have 60 heifers (1st time moms) to calve and we are a little over 1/2 done. Heifers we calve in March then in April the cows will calve out in the pasture and we have about 200 head. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers - you have helped keep our spirits going. Like Idaho, I to believe that little Gracie is over the hump - just wish her hump on her back would go down - but she is just delightful. I think we are winding down on our Gracie story. I have a couple more videos that I want to share - having trouble posting - I will work on it later today.

Gracie had breakfast - when I open her gate - she gets up and comes on over eager for breakfast. Jim is amazed that she can walk on the tile floor. I told him, "she's like a little lady in high heels." Two more babies in the barn from last night.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Wow. All I can say is, wow! As busy as you are, thank you SO much for keeping us updated on little Gracie. I think we're all fascinated here, to read of a life so different than ours (us that work in boring little cubicles, I mean). If you and Dempsey ever decide to start a blog, I think you'd have a huge following!

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Speaking as one of the current "cubicle crowd" and someone who grew up in a small town in a farming area, I am captivated by this story. It has everything - a baby in need, a mother who won't give up and . . . a Cairn!

God bless little Gracie, her determined human mom and Dempsy, the Cairn who keeps her company.

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Yay Gracie!!! Wow, you're such a great nursemaid to that little calf. And Dempsy is such the little cheerleader. Thanks so much for keeping us posted.



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Who knew you could have a group of people waiting anxiously for a calf to poo! I'm waiting to see Dempsy and Gracie on a gator ride together...

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Yay Gracie!! How comical that we are all cheering Gracie on.

Thank you Lori for bringing us such a heartwarming story.

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Who knew you could have a group of people waiting anxiously for a calf to poo!

Isn't that the truth? I don't think I've ever been a Poo Cheerleader before but there's a first time for everything. :lol:

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Cute you guys. .... Well this morning little Gracie and I went to check out the moms in the barn. It was so cute because Gracie walked beside me out to the barn, not behind. So sweet. I have a video I want to share so badly with you showing Dempsy but Flipshare isn't working. At any rate I decided that neither mom would do for Gracie. Gracie is just to small for her real mom and the other mom is a little hyper to work with so after a couple hours of contemplating I came up with the idea of a goat. I have a girl friend that used a goat to nurse a colt for her after the mom died. I gave her a call and asked her if she had a spare momma goat. Jim would of died had he known I did this. He would of said, "And how is this solving the problem? Getting a goat!!" :) All of her goats were nursing their kids yet, but she thought it probably would work. She is a wonderful gal - 10 kids - she has home schooled them all and they are wonderful young people. Six of them are boys and they all wear their black cowboy hats. So cute. So Donna offered to take care of Gracie. She had lots of animals. I hate to give Gracie up, but I feel this is the best for her and I can keep an eye on her progress. I simply do not have the time to take care of her like she needs. I will take Gracie up on Friday and I will take my camera. How do you guys feel about that?

Today Gracie visited all three nursing home, 2 preschools and some shutins. She did a big poo on the sidewalk outside the beauty parlor - the gal ran inside and grabbed some papertowels - I was just beaming that Gracie pooed by herself. So she had a very busy day and it was so nice to see the hands of the elderly reach out and touch a young animal. I got a lump in my throat when this one little lady, Leora, just couldn't get enough out of petting Gracie. Makes me wonder what is going through their minds, are the just enjoying the moment or are they reliving a part of their past --- I would imagine a bit of both. I was mad at myself that I forgot my camera. So my little Grace is tired tonight. So it is all coming to an end, but a happy end.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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I've been following the story of Gracie from the beginning. Glad you found a family for her, sounds like your girlfriend will be a great new momma.

Loved hearing about Gracie's big day in town, visiting the elderly and preschoolers. Sounds like she needs a children's book written about her. The way you tell stories, she has a great 1st momma to tell her story. Of coarse Dempsy's has to be the faithful companion in the stories.

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I love this story. I believe you could turn this into a book and become an author. I look forward to the updates of Gracie as well as Dempsy. Thanks so much for opening your life to all of us. It is so fascinating and we are all rooting for Gracie. Good luck and I hope, and I am sure everyone else agrees, that you can update us every once in awhile on Gracie's progress.

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I have to add my thanks to you for sharing this story. You are sure busy on that farm. I can't see the videos so I really appreciate the pictures.

And now for something completely different, a goat to nurse a calf lol. This story just keeps on going.

Wishing Gracie the best on her new adventure.

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