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  $1/month to help offset our operating costs
As a subscriber, your posts for the next year will include a special group icon that shows you've literally invested in the community.


  $3/month to help offset our operating costs
As a subscriber, your posts for the next year will include a special group icon that shows you've literally invested in the community.


  $5/month to help offset our operating costs
As a subscriber, your posts for the next year will include a special group icon that shows you've literally invested in the community.

  • Subscriptions & Donations This Year

  • About Subscriptions

    image.pngOur community is free. No one should feel obligated to subscribe. Subscriptions are an optional means for members who find value in the site to contribute to the ongoing operating costs of the site (currently $710/yr).

    Important Disclaimer

    Subscription is a type of donation, is not tax-deductible, is not a payment for goods or services, and is not a guarantee of forum availability or accessibility.

    To ensure consistent administration of the forum, there are no special privileges associated with subscriptions. Subscribers must adhere to the same rules and guidelines as guests and non-subscribed members.

    No refunds will be made for subscribers who may be moderated, suspended, banned, or deleted from membership due to violations of forum rules and guidelines.

    Subscriber Bonus

    Subscribers have the ability to create and post to personal blogs. All members may read and comment (where enabled) on blogs. Subscribers also receive more relaxed settings on storage and editing limits.

    More info

    Important Thank You

    Your contributions are appreciated and we hope your community participation brings you a great deal of satisfaction. We're glad you're part of the Cairn Talk community.


  • A meeting place and
    online scrapbook for
    Cairn Terrier fanciers.



  • All posts are the opinion and
    responsibility of the poster.
  • Post content © the author.
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