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  • 2023 Cairn of the Year

    251925221_fall2019ni046(5)(2).jpg.da3db8c1be11bb32a7d3d6f7beeac8b0.jpgCongratulations Grady— 2023 CairnTalk Cairn of the Year!

    About Grady

    We got our Cairn Terrier Grady in 2019. Took a flight to Washington to pick up our spunky little 12 week old pup to bring him back to Idaho where we live.

    Grady is now 4 and will have his 5th birthday in a few months. He's very affectionate and is the best little companion. 

    He has a funny talent of singing long drawn out yodeling barks when he hears Opera on TV or if he hears a harmonica playing.



    Due to software issues photo contests are on hold until a new version of the software is released. I hope this will be early 2024. Monthly and Cairn of the Year contests will resume once the software has been updated.


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    Cairn Terrier fanciers.



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