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Welcome to Cairn Talk. We hope you become an active, enthusiastic participant, and that you make every effort to keep these forums an enjoyable and educational environment for every visitor.

As a participant, please keep in mind the following:

  • The terms and conditions of the registration agreement that you acknowledged during your registration.
  • The rules in this posting, all pinned topics in the Read Me First forum, and requests by forum moderators and administrators.

We hope that you agree that what we are seeking is nothing more than common courtesy and respectful use of a public resource. If this purpose meets your need, we are pleased to have you on the board and look forward to your participation. Enjoy!

Rules apply to all of the following, unless otherwise specified:

  • posts
  • comments
  • signatures
  • profiles
  • status messages
  • uploads
  • contest entries
  • chat
  • clubs
  • private messages (PM)
  • email sent via the forum

1. Who can post here?

Any individual is welcome to post on topics of interest to Cairn Terrier fanciers. We reserve the right to disable the board, limit access to the board, ban users, and edit or delete topics and posts at the discretion of volunteer moderators.

2. You are responsible

You are responsible for what you post, and what you read. All posts made are the opinions and views of the author. CairnTalk.net is not responsible for the veracity or validity of any information posted here, nor do we vouch for the authenticity or the identity of any of the posters. CairnTalk.net and its representatives will not be held liable for any information or message posted to any discussion forum and disclaims all liability resulting from any action or inaction taken as a result of reading or posting any message in any discussion forum.

3. No advertising or fund-raising

Advertisements for products or services are prohibited. Similarly, endorsements, referrals and recommendations to specific breeders are not allowed. Watermarked and branded photos are usually treated as advertising. Use of your dog's registered name (which typically includes the kennel name) is permitted when the presence of the kennel name is incidental to the post.

Use of Cairn Talk for fund-raising or soliciting donations for any cause, no matter how urgent or well-intentioned is prohibited. Posters will be banned for repeated, egregious, or willful violations. Exceptions by prior arrangement only.


  • By virtue of being predominantly self-funded, advertising related to the support or maintenance of CairnTalk as a public resource is permitted.
  • With respect to the origins of the forum as a project supported by the CairnTerrier Club of America, advertising in support of CTCA and its affiliated member clubs is also permitted. Disclaimer: CairnTalk.net is no longer affiliated in any way with the CTCA but we maintain its historical advertising exception and support its projects and those of its affiliated clubs.
  • CairnTalk.net is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to www.amazon.com.

A note about Display Names

Your forum Display Name should represent an individual or noncommercial entity and may be considered advertising if it appears to represent an enterprise with any commercial, breeding or placement aspect.

In almost all cases your kennel affix is permitted — however please omit "Cairns" or similar to prevent your display name from appearing to be an advertisement.


  • McFake Cairns = advertising;  not allowed
    McFake = OK!
    McFake's Shazam = OK!
  • Crofter Tractors = advertising; not allowed
    Crofter = OK!
    Tractor Gal = OK!
  • Uncle Sam's Tax Services / Uncle's Sam's Tax = advertising; not allowed
    Uncle = OK!
    Uncle Sam = OK!

Names that include the word Cairn or Cairns can be perfectly OK so long as they do not appear to represent a kennel or organization. Coo-Coo for Cairns or Cairn Fan or Cairn Grandpa might be examples of acceptable display names.

If your display name is in violation and the site software prevents you from changing your display name to one that complies, please ask an administrator to make the change for you.

4. No placements

Please keep Cairn Talk a marketplace of ideas, not a marketplace of animals. Discussion about breeding theory and practice is fine but any use of the board to discuss placement of specific animals, including rescue placements or surrender, is not. This includes posting requests for others to contact you, posting links to pages where puppies or placements are offered, making referrals to specific breeders, and any posting that could even remotely be considered a solicitation or endorsement of, by, or for a specific breeder. Additional rules apply.


If you are looking for a Cairn, you must provide contact information. You are of course allowed to post any contact information you like. The most secure way to provide an email address is to register on the forum. You will then be able to receive email through the forum without explicitly posting your email address.

If you have a Cairn to place or know of one, you must contact the poster offline. If you would like to contact a poster about placement of one of your own -- or anyone else's -- Cairns, please do so using the contact information provided by the person looking, or by 'personal message' if they (and you) are registered. Posting your own address or website or a suggestion to contact you in a forum message will be considered a solicitation and your post will be deleted.

To reiterate: any overt or implied solicitation will cause a post to be edited, locked, or deleted at the earliest opportunity. Posters may be banned for repeated or egregious violations.


If you find yourself in the regrettable position of looking for a new home for a Cairn, this is not the place to do it. This is also not the place to post about Cairns available for rescue. To engage CTCA Cairn rescue, please visit the  CTCA home page.


Requests/offers for stud service or bitch leasing are not permitted. Cairn Talk is not an appropriate forum to either offer or solicit breeding animals. Such topics or posts will be locked or deleted. Discussions of the principles and practices of breeding, pedigree research, and similar educational topics are welcomed in the appropriate subforums.

5. Stay on-topic

Post in the appropriate forum and remain on-topic. Start a new topic if you wish to introduce a new subject. Follow-ups should usually be posted to the original topic. Ignore posting errors and duplicate posts. A moderator will usually fix them. Cairn Talk is for talk about Cairns and life with Cairns. Virus warnings, urban legends, world events - all are off topic unless Cairns are somehow related to the topic. As a practical matter, more leeway is allowed within a topic for 'drift' than in obviously off-topic new topics.

6. Be original

Cairn Talk is for discussion and your contributions should be specific to this forum. Do not cut-and-paste lengthy messages from other websites or lists. If you want to use a lengthy article elsewhere as the basis of discussion that is fine - simply link to it - quoting a paragraph or two for context is fine. Note: if you ever receive an email urging you to cross-post something to every source you know, absolutely do not post it to Cairn Talk.

7. Be civil

Be civil in all of your posts and refrain from using inflammatory language or expletives. Your language and demeanor should be similar to how you would speak and behave if you were invited into a stranger's home to share a holiday meal with their family. Be aware of the effect you are having on others and make an effort to avoid giving offense. Equally as important, give others the benefit of the doubt and make an equal effort to avoid taking offense.

Volunteer moderators will determine what is inflammatory using their own judgment.

8. Don't monopolize the board

We encourage you to participate actively, enthusiastically, and frequently. However, for reasons of bandwidth, disk space, and encouraging participation by the broadest audience possible, we ask that you voluntarily limit your postings to ten a day within any specific topic or conversation that you participate in. You are welcome to participate in as many different conversations as you have interest in.

9. No Shouting

DO NOT POST IN ALL CAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please mind your CapsLock key and do not use excessive punctuation or smilies.

11. Keep signatures short

In the interest of controlling bandwidth and enhancing readability, extravagant or distracting signatures are strongly discouraged. The forum provides a robust profile capability for contact information and personalization. If you use a signature, it may not exceed 5 lines. Images in signatures may not exceed 100 x 640 pixels. No signature shall exceed a height of 150px plus one line of default text. Violations may be edited without notice.

12. Posts that may be edited, deleted, or get you banned:

  • Posts containing offensive racial, gender, sexual preference, religious, political, or nationality-bashing language.
  • Any post containing language that is offensive in a public, family context.
  • Links to inappropriate content.
  • Personal attacks on other posters or club members. Comment on ideas, not people.
  • Flame bait. In other words: inflammatory messages posted with an intent to provoke emotional responses. This is not to be confused with a sincerely held belief or opinion that differs from the norm and is expressed in a meaningful and congenial way.
  • Repeated posting of the same or similar messages, and "bumping" a topic more than once.
  • Cross-posts and link dumps.
  • Posts promoting a specific breeder or kennel.
  • Any post that violates the letter or spirit of any item described in this list, in these guidelines, or in any announcement or pinned topic posted by a board administrator or moderator.

13. AI and Large Language Model Generated Content

CairnTalk is for people to talk to each other: people who have Cairns, had Cairns, might someday have Cairns, or are simply interested in Cairn Terriers. The use of AI generated content on CairnTalk is discouraged in general, strictly prohibited in some circumstances, and permitted with conditions in others.

  • What is Forbidden: any text content that is AI or LLM generated that is not clearly identified as to nature and source. ChatGPT, Claude, Perplexity, Grok, your own self-developed tool, whatever; name your source. If there is the slightest possibility that a reader might mistake any AI generated content in your post as your own words, you may be moderated or banned. Any attempt to circumvent will be treated as fraudulent posting, regardless of the truth or usefulness of the posted content.
  • What is Permitted, with Conditions: you may use or post AI generated images with or without attribution provided that you are not fraudulently representing the image as something it is not. An image used for illustrative or entertainment purposes is OK; a photorealistic image that might be mistaken for a genuine photo must be referenced to the AI tool that generated it; any image fraudulently misrepresenting its origin as to artist is forbidden. Any attempt to circumvent will be treated as fraudulent posting.

14. Fraud is a crime

Impersonation of others is a criminal fraudulent act. Individuals who choose to do this will be banned and their Internet service provider may be contacted.

By posting, you agree

By posting to this discussion board, you agree to be bound by these rules, including rules which may be referenced or linked herein.

All Posts are the opinion of the poster. Post content © the author.


  • A meeting place and
    online scrapbook for
    Cairn Terrier fanciers.



  • All posts are the opinion and
    responsibility of the poster.
  • Post content © the author.
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