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Found a 9 year old male I want

Lynn in TN

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Yes I know and I am sorry for me but happy for him. I hope he went to a nice family, actually I hope it was the foster that adopted him. The foster sent me a message on yahoo day before yesterday that he had been adopted. I hope he will be happy with whomever chose him. 

I wish they would contact me about my home inspection. I am trying to stay off their site so I want find another I want. I am trying to be patient and I understand that I live in a little hole in the country, they may have trouble finding someone to do the inspection. I hope that is not the case, but it is possible.

I am anxious to find another perfect little Cairn to join our family. I so love this breed.

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Lynn, have you tried contacting local shelters?  If you tell them that you want to adopt a Cairn, many shelters will contact you if one becomes available.  There is a network of rescue organizations and shelters that regularly move dogs from shelters with bad adoption rates to shelters with good adoption rates to give the dogs a better chance of finding a home.  Also (and I don't know if you mentioned this), check PetFinder.  Even if the dog isn't nearby, they may be willing to transport the dog to a closer location.  (Volunteers usually do this.)  Ziggy, for example, was in Wisconsin when we found him on PetFinder.  The rescue organization drove him to Illinois and we only had to drive about an hour to pick him up.


I know how badly you want another Cairn.  Heck, if I found one around here I'd be willing to meet you halfway to deliver the little guy.

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I live in an area where the popular breeds are Pit-Bulls, Rottweilerlabs, Dobermans, and German Shepherds. Finding a rescue Cairn would be like finding a needle in a haystack. 

I have thought of using some of the resources you suggested, but the one thing that appeals to me with Col.Potter is I feel that I can trust them with the type of dog that will be placed in my home. With what they put you through I can't imagine them saying take this one and it not being perfect for my home.

I have a 16 year old son and a 10 year old a 2 year old Cairn and a husband to think about also. 

Me personally I wouldn't think twice about a high risk dog that bites or has some type of disease or what ever, but having a 10 year old we would need to know it first hand to be able to deal with it properly to keep son or dog from being hurt.


I could get one from a breeder, but I have always been the type of person that likes to save the ones someone threw away. I would not have bought Kelly if I felt I had another option at that time.


When my children get a little older I want to foster them. My Sons have said absolutely not to the fostering as they would want to keep everyone of them and would not let them go.


I can be a very patient person when teaching something, or helping with something, not so much when i am waiting for a new puppy. haha

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Sorry to hear of your disappointment with Col. Potter. I had the same experience with CRUSA but 10 times. Got only one phone call and was told the dog I wanted wasn't available anymore but another dog was. I wanted a two year old and this dog was older so I said no and they acted annoyed. I had never had a dog so wanted a younger dog. I didn't think it would be a big deal. Just because you want to adopt doesn't mean any dog. Well at that point I tried and tried again with no response whatsoever. Very angry I shot off an email blasting them and don't you know that they responded to. They were just nasty and said they are all volunteer with so many people responding they can't get to them all quickly. I found it interesting though they found the time for that email. I pretty much shot myself in the foot so it's doubtful I would ever get selected so shame on me. But I feel your disappointment when you just know a dog would be a perfect fit. I wish you luck and try not to get discouraged even after hearing my story. Think of it this way, the person who got Molito is probably just like you and felt they finally got chosen. It will happen.

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I live in an area where the popular breeds are Pit-Bulls, Rottweilerlabs, Dobermans, and German Shepherds. Finding a rescue Cairn would be like finding a needle in a haystack. ....

You might be surprised. I got both my cairns from animal shelters. The one I got Daisy from is useally about 90% pitbulls. Seriously! 

The one I got Maggie from was in a little nicer area, but still had a large share of Pitbulls, and even a few dobermans (which seems rarer). 


Jack Russels and Cairns sometimes seem to go from being someones cute little puppy to a nightmare for the wrong owners. I think people get small terriers because they think they are going to be this little adorable lap dog or somethimg...then reality hits and terriers will be terriers....then the owners, who probably never even should be allowed to get a dog neglect them or abandon them. Sad, but it does happen. I got proof....Twice!


I am as happy as I could be with my two pound rescues.


Like I said before, I have NEVER had luck with "rescue orginizations".  I have TRIED in the past to get a response from some of these cairn groups and not even a call back, or a email stating they recieved anything....and I own my own home, with a very large privacy fenced yard, have no small kids, no cats, and lots of dog experience, and my wife works part time. I would be perfect to adopt, yet they NEVER responded in the past.


At one event I attend every year, there is a Cairn rescue that sets up a tent (and a Westie rescue). They both NEVER have actually brought an adoptable dog with them, only their own pets. I asked about fostering, I asked about adopting...same response..."visit our website" and "would you like to make a donation?"....


Me and my wife joke about starting our own "Cairn Rescue" and trot around our two and take "Donations"...just sayin'.


Anyway, keep checking county and city animal shelters! They are the ones who need help, not the people who can slap together a website and own a minivan or station wagon and a few t-shirts that say "rescue"....


Just my two cents...


(and I exclude col. Potter from my rant, because I've never tried to contact them.)

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  • 2 weeks later...




I have put un an interest in this one. The problem, she has 3 others interested in her also.


Her Name is Alexis.

Edited by Lynn in TN
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what a cutie. can you imagine having a dog for six years and then giving her away because you "didn't want her anymore"? after six years?

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PK I can't imagine it at all. Kelly is almost 2 and  I already can't imagine my life with out her.  She is on the available page on the Col. Potter site now. Read what the foster says about her and try to figure out why anyone would not want her anymore. It really makes me want to cry.


I have really been having a hard time picking just one, as i would like nothing more than to take them all. I have a hard time picking one. My 10 year old son is helping me, to pick the dog that we believe would be happy with us. He has been reading the foster posts on each dog. He tickled me the other night because a few says the dog doesn't like loud noises, He said " That one wouldn't be happy with us cause I can make some really loud noses when I am mad. I am so proud that he is taking the time to think of the dog and not just us. It made me feel like I am doing something right.

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Lynn, I can't figure out why people wouldn't want these children either...just puzzled that way.  Still pulling for you!


Max and Nelly

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Alexis is very pretty. You went from searching for one cairn to having a handful to choose from. :). Such fun and what a good experience for your family. It will be fun to see who you choose.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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P.S.  I realize CPCRN has the dog's best interest in mind; however, I disagree with the way they go about their adoption process.


Do they really mean to discriminate against those who don't have  fenced in yard?  My dog does about three leashed miles a day, plus a weekend run up at the local college.  They'd never approve me because I don't have a fenced in enclosure.  Dickens gets to enjoy a different sniff throughout the day as we stroll the 'hood and meet new "friends".  I believe that's healthy for both of us.


Around here the CPRL has a terrible reputation.  I realize they are short on resources; however, if they went about their adoption process in a more human-friendly manner they'd lighten their workload.


This isn't a rant.  It's sad that folks walk into a boatload of disappointment as they enter their adoption process.


I've decided that Dickens should have a brother or sister once he can handle it, but we, Dickens and I, reserve the right to select that pup to maintain a healthy household.  I'm even considering a "special needs" pup because I'd love to give a senior the joy of having a home.


The right Cairn WILL come your way when you least expect it.  I wish you happiness and endless years of joy when it happens.

Please visit Dickens at "The Daily Dickens" at http://www.itsthedaughter.blogspot.com.

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Hope something works out for you soon and see that Colonel Potter advertises on facebook (cute looking one today called Wiz) so they seem to have lots of Cairns coming into rescue.


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