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Overlapping Dogs - Need Advice!

Rattlesnake Gal

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I hope you go and see how Mac gets on with this female pup and then you can make a more informed decision?


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Celia, reading your last post brought me to tears also. I can so relate to what you are thinking... my feelings to the last sentence. Jock will be ten next spring and given that he has issues with aggresion to certain dogs also, I struggle all the time whether another dog in the house is a good thing. We tried a male pup and it was a disaster! Do we want to try again with a girl and then if it doesnt work out will Jock's secure world be shattered (again) and will I have to send the pup back to the breeders, bawling my eyes out. I know some of you are probably thinking... brother what a drama. But it was. Jock is such a huge part of my world and upsetting him is the very last thing I want to do.

I like you Celia, will have to think very long and hard about this. :shy:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I hope you go and see how Mac gets on with this female pup and then you can make a more informed decision?

Maybe I will go. I could introduce them to each other on neutral ground, which is very recommended. If he acts as he used to with my mother in-laws Pomeranian, it could work out perfectly.

I'll keep you posted!

Two Cairns are better than one! Mac is so much more active and happily, Bailey loves the lake!


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RG - I hope you will have peace with whatever decision you make. Getting a puppy may ease your heart in the long run, but cause Mac some distress. But it also may make his life more complete. Go and visit the pups and just see.

...so help me Toto

Idaho -- you've got me rolling on the floor!!! That photo and oath are over the top!! :D

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Celia, it is dicey to give advice to someone who's circumstance and dog you really don't know and I do hesitate to make a firm declaration about whether you should bring a companion in for your older dog. I have no way of knowing what you have experienced with the "aggression" you say your Mac exhibits to other dogs. I know that Cairns can be vicious with other dogs--my daughter had a Cairn for many years that would, on more occasions that I liked, attack other dogs, my dogs in particular when they encroached on her "space" (usually anywhere around my daughter) and that got worse as the dog aged--her last attack on my older and very weak Tootsie required an emergency call to the vet to stop the bleeding! So, I have first hand knowledge of how some Cairns can act.

However, I also have brought new Cairns into my home to be companions with my older dogs and, in each case, that has been a grand success for us and for our dogs. The qualifier was that our dogs have all been gentle creatures from the outset, were well socialized to our home and with other dogs.

None have been "aggressive" before or after a new dog was introduced into the home.

The advantage, to us, of having a companion dog is really a no brainer. We know that Cairns do well with each other and we know that there is a transference of behaviors from one dog to the next that we want to occur. Even today we see characteristics of our past dogs in our youngest--behaviors learned as a puppy and passed to the next dog along with all the unique personality quirks that each Cairn seems to have. We want that, we want some of the old to come thru to the new because we so cherish the memory of what we lost and what we see was passed on thru four dogs--each with different breeders.

But that only speaks to what a new dog can bring to we humans and not to what a new dog can bring to the older, established dog in the home. Our Tootsie was ten when we lost her companion, a terrier mix that came into the home when my wife and I combined households and the matchup was perfect--both of the dogs (females) got along famously for many years. When Shadow died of old age, Toot's mourning was palpable and made losing Shadow even more difficult and it was extensive, the wandering from room to room, the restlessness, the loss of joy told us we needed to act and we did, bringing in a rescue Cairn. After some adjustment and questioning the decision, both dogs got along very well and when Ginger was lost to a drowning accident, Toots went thru the pain again and we immediately acted to get a puppy for us and for her. The choice worked far better than we expected--Toots was eleven at the time and Sammi became the joy of her life from the instant she came into the home. We saw Toots play for the first time, actually play--chasing the puppy, wrestling with the puppy, exploring with the puppy. We knew we had done the right thing.

And so it went--as Toots grew older, Sammi became her "eyes and ears" as Toots slipped further into the frailty of age. Sammi watched out for her on evening excursions to the backyard to potty, waited patiently as Tootsie wandered aimlessly sniffing out the rapidly decreasing area that she could explore with her disabilities, and would not come in until Toots was in and safe from the dark. Sammi acted as a guard, carefully and gently keeping between Toots and other dogs, making sure that the strange dogs' intentions were gentle and just inquisitive in nature.

Then came the day and the following days that proved without doubt that companionship is important to Cairns. For two months we had to accept, on top of our pain of loss, the obvious suffering that Sammi was going thru when Toots was gone--the listlessness, purposelessness, of a dog that had accepted the "job" of entertaining and protecting an older dog. It was simply awful. Sammi would lay on the deck and stare down the sidewalk for hours, reacting to every sound she heard. She wandered in and around the home, smelling old spots and bedding, there was no joy until we brought the rambunctious, noisy, high spirited Bonnie into her world and the rest is history.

I would never condemn a Cairn Terrier to a lifetime of being the sole dog in a home after what I have experienced IN MY CIRCUMSTANCE. The joys of having two dogs are simply too obvious for us. These dogs are quick minded, they are active, and they need, in my opinion, much more stimulus than a human can offer--particularly if there are long times during the day when humans are not around. Tho we have no proof, we believe that our dogs entertain each other in our absence, much as they do while we are with them--staring out on their bird and squirrel filled lives, reacting to sounds, "keeping the bears out!" as we tell them. They play constantly, inside and out, in ways that no human can emulate and at seven, Sammi is in wonderful shape--well exercised.

Grandest of all is those moments when we look at Bonnie and ask, "Tootsie, are you in there?" because, in that wonderful transference that goes on, we see those old, familiar behaviors that we loved so much in our first Cairn and I am willing to accept that maybe we have "created" that feeling because we want to so badly, and yet there is something there of the past, a look, a reaction, a shadow of our old beloved Toots that crosses Bonnie's aura and it is thrilling. We wonder if nature has been so generous as to reincarnate the spirit we loved so much for so long. I hope it is so.

So, Celia, in all of that, I hope there is a message for you to help you make the decision. For us the choice is both obvious and easy and for so long as we live and are capable of having Cairns, there will always be at least two in our home--our experience has been just that wonderful.

Take what is valuable from my overlong response and apply it to your circumstance. I truly believe you will be doing Mac and, especially, yourselves a favor by bringing in another Cairn--especially if you want to take some of Mac forward into the future and especially if you want to see an older Cairn enjoy their dotage. A puppy can be a real godsend for Cairn owners.

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Our new addition!


Today Mac and I both went to check out this little beauty. So far Mac is doing great! When we introduced them outside, he took a couple sniffs and tried to explore. We brought him back and he sniffed again and looked at us like, yeah, so? She came home in a crate and he sat on the seat next to her the whole way. He is keeping his distance at home, but I can get them very close together and he is doing just fine!!! Giving him lots of attention and those tasty treats. Keep your fingers crossed that they become good friends!

Thanks again for the advice and the encouragement to go see this baby! You guys rock! I think we are going to be very happy.

Two Cairns are better than one! Mac is so much more active and happily, Bailey loves the lake!


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Oh Celia! She is lovely! How could you have gone wrong bringing that little thing into your home? I predict that they will be bosom buds withing a day or two. Please keep us informed weekly about how Mac and this little girl build a relationship--I want to see if that Cairn "magic" works for you.

Congratulations--enjoy the fun.

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Oh my goodness! What a cute, scrumptious bundle of joy, she is sooooooo adorable! No-one could resist bringing her home. I have a feeling you're all going to be happy. Please keep us posted.


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Oh my goodness Celia I'm not necessarily shocked but a tad surprised. I was just reading your post of this morning - then Idaho Cairns post (which was absolutely wonderful - if you are not a writer in a past life, you must be one in this one). I am so happy for you and keeping my fingers crossed that Mac will accept the new puppy and like Idaho says, will pass on his good habits. I am so excited for you - a new puppy!!! I too will have mine in just over one week so can sympathize with whatever you will be going thru. Please keep us posted with all the new things that will be happening in your household. Good luck!

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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Celia she is lovely.. what a face. :wub:

I am also keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well. You are my test subject :P If we decide to get another Cairn it will also be a female, but not till the spring. No puppies in our area till then. I have to laugh because when we went to see Jock it was decided that all we were going to do was look! Well we all know that never works... one look and how can any Cairn lover resist.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Congratulations on your new addition, she is so adorable! I will also keep my fingers crossed that all goes well. Just let them take it slow and give each of them their special time alone.

I don't think you told us her name??

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Your new addition is gorgeous! Have you given her a name yet?

Glad that so far Mac is accepting her - keep us posted on how it goes!


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Thing here are going super well, I am happy to say!

We are leaning towards the very Scottish name of Kenzie. Little bit keeps popping out of my mouth. ;-)

Bailey is also in the running and is a favorite of my oldest son and his girlfriend.

Skye is also under consideration for obvious reasons.

She was born on August 25th, which puts her at 11 weeks.

She seems a bit small and skinny, but I think that can be explained away because of her litter mates.


Mac is still reserved around her, but he is always close by.

Dinner went well last night. Mac decided to finish what the pup hadn't and she wasn't done yet. He let out a growl, and I corrected him that it was her dinner.

Gave him some more for himself in his bowl. I think he is liking the extra treats and food!

Breakfast went great and Mac stayed away from her bowl.


Her puppy coloring is beautiful. Looks kind of like a spotted wild cat. (Thankfully that isn't her disposition!)


She is quite fun. Loves the little tennis ball because she can grab it in her itty bitty teeth.


I was sitting between my babies last night. When I got up to take a picture, Kenzie scooted closer to Mac. He is doing so well!!!

I saw a lot of him yesterday. Off late, unless at the lake, he is often found napping. ;-)

So far so good!

Idaho, you especially, were there with us on our adventure yesterday. Your story made me really want to have what you and your family has and have had! Thank you!

Holly&me, Terrier Lover, Zekey's Mom you all helped give me the nerve to go check out our little beauty! Thank you!

Two Cairns are better than one! Mac is so much more active and happily, Bailey loves the lake!


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The pictures are adorable and am I right in thinking that you've decided on the name Kenzie? I really like that name and seems to suit her. Sweet little girl.

I think you will find a younger Mac with Kenzie around. I know it was true in our case, Casey had to keep her nose in everyone's business and let the boys know who runs the show. Even with the two younger dogs now, she still remains a part of the pack at 15 years old.

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Well, MacKenzie is a good Scottish surname! so having a Mac and a Kenzie seems a lovely idea!


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Dash, would not let me edit last post.

I love the pictures - she is a cutie and the pic of the two of them on sofa made me laugh - Mac looks as if he trying to pretend she is not there but cannot resist keeping an eye on her!


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Wow! Great pictures! I suspect you are merely a day or two away from the "romping" stage when the pup gets Mac started. That couch scene is so familiar--the puppy easing up in a subservient position. That's how they "weedle" their way into the relationship. I like the coloration of the puppy--nice markings and really good confirmation. I sure would like to be a fly on the wall around your place for the next few months!

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What a cutie! Enjoy that little sweetheart and give her a little squeeze for us. I'm sure she'll be ruling the roost soon.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Sounds like things are going great, congratulations on the new addition. A few things that have been posted before, but not on this thread because of things happening so fast. Make sure Mac gets everything first. It's so easy to give attention to the adorable puppy. Feed Mac first, treats first, put leash on first, etc. That will help establish that nothing in his life is changing. You are right, he doesn't get to eat the puppy food, and she doesn't get to eat his. In my house no one can look in another bowl until the owner has walked away. The bowls are always empty by then, but if not, you still don't get to eat anybody elses food. If Mac sleeps on the bed, puppy sleeps in crate (at least until housetrained anyway) You see what I'm getting at, keep reinforcing to Mac that he is first. When I had 3, they all got along great, the oldest played with the youngest. Now Spring and Shiner do everything together. Shiner, 4 years, is the only dog that Spring, 8 years old, cares about playing with. Have a ball with your kids.

MACH3 Red Lion Springin Miss Macho CDX RAE OF ME
Marquee Cairnoch Glintofmacho CD RE MX MXJ OF ME

Glenmore Hjour Summer Sun


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So far, so good! Mac is doing so much better than I would have dreamed! You can tell he is very interested in being close and is on the edge of interacting with her. Last night the poor chap was having trouble jumping up on the sofa. Thankfully he lets us help him. Wow, did we have a very busy day!

She ended up with a name change. Kenzie wasn't flowing our tongues and I kept slipping, calling her MacKenzie. We already have a MacKinnon. One Mac is just right. Bailey seems to fit nicely and happens to be the name of an excellent ice cream stand over in the lakeside village of Wolfeboro, NH. We have great family memories there and it seems to just fit. Her coloring should play well with the name too.

As advised, the water and food bowls are being kept separate. Paying great attention to Mac and treating him as top dog. He gets everything first. There has been a few growls of warning, but not the Cujo kind. Just and ahhhh as he back away. Bailey is beginning to respect that. Occasionally the puppy in her gets a bit exuberant and when he reacts, she dives for cover under the sofa. It is so funny to see her flatten herself to fit under it. There might be 3 1/2" of clearance. LOL! If I can catch video, I'll post if for you to see too. It's adorable. I feel like a mediator playing with both, trying to keep the peace. Great, but exhausting fun!

Last night, my husband Paul met Bailey for the first time. She went absolute nuts! She adores him!!! Unfortunately she did dribble a bit out of excitement. Other than the first morning in the crate, that is the only accident for urine. We are working hard to be calm when she is near Paul. Funny that a little bit of a dog isn't afraid of a very big and very tall man. 6' 8". Little kids love him too.

Before going to the vet, Mac and I took her out for almost a 1/2 hour with no luck. The poor baby had a poopy accident on the way. Thank goodness I carry antibacterial wet wipes in my truck! She checked out well and is 4.2 pounds. Dr Jim says she is right on target. Unfortunately she did test positive for giardia and is on a six day course of medication for. Both she and Mac are now on pro-biotics and both will be tested next Friday. It isn't super catchy and I disinfected everything very well. The doctor didn't seem overly concerned and is very happy that Mac has a new sister. He thought Bailey was perfect.

Let's hope that things keep going along on this track! I'm dreaming of next year on the lake with two Cairns in my kayak. I hope Bailey likes it as much as Mac does. (The PWC and boat too.) It's going to be so much fun!

Two Cairns are better than one! Mac is so much more active and happily, Bailey loves the lake!


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If Mac hasn't ripped her face off by now, he probably won't. I'd let them interact and socialize, they will self adjust to the situation. If Mac doesn't want to play he'll signal clearly. Dogs are probably better off without a lot of human interference when it comes to establishing relationships--unless you have a clearly dangerous situation, I would sit back and just enjoy the moment as those two figure each other out.

Puppies can be a bit irregular for the first few days in a new environment--it will probably pass quickly. So fun to read about your adventure--the next best thing to actually going thru it myself is to keep up with someone else's experience. Please do get some videos--especially for your own history but also to share with us. I didn't take enough vids when Bonnie was a pup and I regret it now

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