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Do You Need Pet Insurance For Your Dog?

When a beloved pet is sick or injured, the owner is forced to make tough decisions while under an enormous amount of emotional stress. Managing the finances of a pet’s sometimes-lifesaving-care makes a difficult situation that much harder. That’s where pet insurance comes in. Why purchase pet insurance? Oftentimes it takes only one unfortunate incident for a veterinary bill to exceed the cumulative premium payments, especially for a young pet. By purchasing a pet insurance plan, dog and cat ow

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Why flat-faced dogs remain popular despite health problems

Owners of bulldogs, French bulldogs and pugs are highly likely to want to own their breed again in the future, and to recommend their breed to other owners, according to a new study. The development of breed loyalty toward these so-called brachycephalic (flat-faced) dogs may lead to their continued proliferation and popularity, despite their substantial health risks.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/w1RkSa2pBTw View the source article

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Why flat-faced dogs remain popular despite health problems

Owners of bulldogs, French bulldogs and pugs are highly likely to want to own their breed again in the future, and to recommend their breed to other owners, according to a new study. The development of breed loyalty toward these so-called brachycephalic (flat-faced) dogs may lead to their continued proliferation and popularity, despite their substantial health risks. View the source article

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Free-roaming dogs prevent giant pandas from thriving in the wild

Dogs are still menacing giant pandas. This is in part, because nature reserves in China are often closely connected to human settlements where dogs roam free. Dogs can roam over 10 km in a night and some feral dogs have even set up permanent residence in the reserves.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/YSqqvoilYXY View the source article

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Key to harmonious pet relationships: Pheromones

We are all familiar with the old adage 'fighting like cats and dogs', but a new scientific study now reveals how you can bid farewell to those animal scraps and foster a harmonious relationship between your pet pooch and feline friend.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/Z9bn_B47n04 View the source article

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Why Is My Dog a Picky Eater?

Does it seem like your dog suddenly has lost interest in eating food? Knocks over their bowl out of boredom with their food? While it could mean you have a picky eater on your hand, changes in appetite could also signal a greater health problem that should be addressed right away, particularly in young puppies, senior dogs, or pets with known underlying health conditions. Is my dog a “picky eater” or behaving normally? “The saying goes, ‘Some dogs eat to live, other dogs live to eat,'” says Dr

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Protect Your Dog From These Hot Weather Hazards

Summer means ice cream, hikes in the woods with your dog, swimming in ponds, running through fields, and generally having a ball while soaking up the warmth. All that fun in the sun can have a downside though. Most people are aware of the more obvious hazards that come with long, warm days — heat stroke, drowning, disease-spreading mosquitoes, fleas and ticks. But here are some other hazards that may not be on your radar screen. Foxtails and Other Mean Seeds “Mean seeds,” is a term that has b

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Why Does My Dog Cough?

Every dog or puppy coughs from time to time — and it’s no surprise as much as they use their mouths and noses to explore the world. But how do you know if it’s something more and you need to call the veterinarian? While the occasional cough is probably nothing to be concerned about, if your dog is coughing often or in a specific way, it might be worth talking to a vet to rule out something more serious. Causes of Dog Coughing There are several causes of dog coughing, ranging from something mi

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5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean

Oral hygiene is just as important for dogs as it is for humans. Poor oral hygiene can lead to serious life-threatening conditions including kidney, liver, and heart muscle damage. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 80 percent of dogs show signs of canine periodontal disease as early as age three. Practicing good dental care at home will lead to more than sweeter-smelling kisses; your dog will live a happier, healthier, and longer life. Thankfully, cleaning your canine com

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Easy Homemade Dog Shampoo

Whether you prefer natural products for your dog, are a regular DIY’er, or just want to save some money, making your own dog shampoo is one way to accomplish all three. The ingredients may already be in your pantry, and if not, they’re easy to find in stores. They’re as basic as baking soda, vinegar, and ordinary dish soap. One thing you don’t want to use is shampoo made for humans. The pH level of our skin is different from that of dogs: ours ranges from 5.5-5.6, while dogs’ pH is between 6.2-

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Can Dogs Eat Bones?

We’ve all heard the phrase “give a dog a bone,” but the literal action might not be as harmless as we believe. There was a time when families didn’t think twice about treating Fido to the pork chop bones left over from Sunday dinner. Today’s dog owner is much more knowledgeable about canine nutrition and realizes that the watchword about dog bones is: caution. Bones are a good source of minerals and other nutrients and help satisfy your dog’s appetite. Chewing stimulates saliva enzymes and help

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