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How to Manage the Symptoms of Canine Arthritis

One in five dogs suffers from canine arthritis according to the Arthritis Foundation. If you have an older dog who has started to slow down on walks and has difficulty getting up and down the stairs, your dog may be suffering from arthritis. This disease, most commonly seen in older dogs, can affect the legs, hips, back, and more—making everyday movements painful.  However, as a dog owner, you can look out for symptoms of arthritis in dogs, and if your dog is diagnosed, you can work with your ve

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This Dog Goes Outside, But Watch His Amazing Reaction Once They Realize Who Was There

http://www.woofipedia.com/images/uploads/backyard_reunion_header.jpg What began as a regular potty break turned into a heartwarming reunion. The owner gathers four of her five dogs together before letting them outside and once they're let loose, we see one of the Great Danes make a beeline for the storage shed. It's almost as if he knew what was waiting for him. Then, the other dogs follow and they find their soldier waiting with the same amount of excitement, if not more. As the other dogs

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Why Doesn’t My Dog Play Fetch?

There are a number of reasons dogs may not like playing fetch — including genetics and age Mix it up — try playing fetch with a variety of toys to increase your pup’s interest A great solution for many dogs is trying the “two toy” game Maybe your dog once loved playing fetch, but they’ve since lost interest. Or perhaps they never really enjoyed chasing after balls in the first place. Whatever the case, you may be wondering what’s going on, and why your dog doesn’t seem into fetch. Why Do So

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Can CBD Oil Help Dogs With Epilepsy?

Can CBD oil help dogs with epilepsy and seizures? Anecdotal evidence suggests maybe — CBD oil may offer a treatment alternative for several illnesses, including canine epilepsy, but no in-depth studies have verified these claims. Cannabidiol (CBD) is an extract of the cannabis plant (marijuana). Unlike the major active ingredient of the plant, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not cause “high” sensations. Instead, it is associated with pain relief and is the main ingredient in many c

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Can CBD Oil Help Dogs With Epilepsy?

Can CBD oil help dogs with epilepsy and seizures? Anecdotal evidence suggests maybe — CBD oil may offer a treatment alternative for several illnesses, including canine epilepsy, but no in-depth studies have verified these claims. Cannabidiol (CBD) is an extract of the cannabis plant (marijuana). Unlike the major active ingredient of the plant, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not cause “high” sensations. Instead, it is associated with pain relief and is the main ingredient in many c

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Can My Dog Drink Coffee? What To Do if Your Dog Drinks Coffee

If you’re a coffee connoisseur who can’t survive without their morning java, we understand. But keep a sharp eye out—sometimes your furry friends can’t resist the temptation to taste that bitter brew. And while humans often need that jolt of caffeine to start the day, coffee can hurt and even kill your beloved companion. A lick or two of coffee (or even soda or tea) typically isn’t enough to cause poisoning in most pets. But if your dog ingests unused coffee grounds or beans or tea bags, it cou

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Can My Dog Drink Coffee? What To Do if Your Dog Drinks Coffee

If you’re a coffee connoisseur who can’t survive without their morning java, we understand. But keep a sharp eye out—sometimes your furry friends can’t resist the temptation to taste that bitter brew. And while humans often need that jolt of caffeine to start the day, coffee can hurt and even kill your beloved companion. A lick or two of coffee (or even soda or tea) typically isn’t enough to cause poisoning in most pets. But if your dog ingests unused coffee grounds or beans or tea bags, it cou

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Top 5 Dental Conditions for Dogs and Cats

The mouth is the source of many health issues for dogs and cats. In fact, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats show signs of oral and dental disease by age three. For cats, tooth infections are one of the top 10 reasons cats see vets each year. It’s important for pets to have annual dental exams to ensure good health and prevent dental conditions that can be very painful. Nationwide pet insurance has listed the top 5 dental woes for dogs and cats based on policyholder claims submitted in 2016. Top 5 Mo

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Ancient wolf pup mummy in Yukon permafrost from 57,000 years ago

While water blasting at a wall of frozen mud in Yukon, Canada, a gold miner made an extraordinary discovery: a perfectly preserved wolf pup that had been locked in permafrost for 57,000 years. The remarkable condition of the pup, named Zhùr by the local Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in people, gave researchers a wealth of insights about her age, lifestyle, and relationship to modern wolves.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/-21tG9-oHBM View the source article

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Ancient wolf pup mummy in Yukon permafrost from 57,000 years ago

While water blasting at a wall of frozen mud in Yukon, Canada, a gold miner made an extraordinary discovery: a perfectly preserved wolf pup that had been locked in permafrost for 57,000 years. The remarkable condition of the pup, named Zhùr by the local Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in people, gave researchers a wealth of insights about her age, lifestyle, and relationship to modern wolves. View the source article

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​Dog Constipation: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Constipation refers to an inability to produce normal stools on a regular schedule, which, for a dog, is generally once or twice per day. Dogs who are suffering from constipation will not “go” at all, strain to defecate, or produce rock-hard stools. In chronic cases, dogs may retain hard, dry fecal matter in their digestive tracts. This is known as obstipation, in which there is so much fecal matter that it becomes compacted and the dog cannot defecate at all. What Are the Signs of Dog Constip

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​Dog Constipation: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Constipation refers to an inability to produce normal stools on a regular schedule, which, for a dog, is generally once or twice per day. Dogs who are suffering from constipation will not “go” at all, strain to defecate, or produce rock-hard stools. In chronic cases, dogs may retain hard, dry fecal matter in their digestive tracts. This is known as obstipation, in which there is so much fecal matter that it becomes compacted and the dog cannot defecate at all. What Are the Signs of Dog Constip

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How to Groom a German Shepherd Dog

The German Shepherd Dog (GSD) is an all-around canine superstar, excelling in multiple roles ranging from police dog to family companion. It’s no wonder this is the second-most popular breed in America. But do you know how to keep your GSD well-groomed and looking their best? Read on for some step-by-step tips and pearls of wisdom from AKC Breeders of Merit. German Shepherd Coat and Skin Care GSDs do shed, so one of the first things nearly every breeder will tell you is to invest in a good vac

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How to Groom a German Shepherd Dog

The German Shepherd Dog (GSD) is an all-around canine superstar, excelling in multiple roles ranging from police dog to family companion. It’s no wonder this is the second-most popular breed in America. But do you know how to keep your GSD well-groomed and looking their best? Read on for some step-by-step tips and pearls of wisdom from AKC Breeders of Merit. German Shepherd Coat and Skin Care GSDs do shed, so one of the first things nearly every breeder will tell you is to invest in a good vac

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Living environment affects the microbiota and health of both dogs and their owners

In urban environments, allergic diseases are more common among dogs and their owners compared to those living in rural areas. Simultaneous allergic traits appear to be associated with the microbes found in the environment, but microbes relevant to health differ between dogs and humans.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/7cus0Y2BXGo View the source article

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How Holistic Care Can Help Your Dog

Holistic medicine treats the person (or, in this case, animal) as a whole: mind, body, spirit. It uses several different practices, including acupuncture, massage, herbal remedies, chiropractic treatment, aromatherapy, nutrition, acupressure, and even sound therapy to address a variety of ailments and conditions. Americans spend more than $30 billion a year on alternative treatments for adults and children, and increasingly, pets are included in that expenditure, according to Tricia Stimac, a v

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How Holistic Care Can Help Your Dog

Holistic medicine treats the person (or, in this case, animal) as a whole: mind, body, spirit. It uses several different practices, including acupuncture, massage, herbal remedies, chiropractic treatment, aromatherapy, nutrition, acupressure, and even sound therapy to address a variety of ailments and conditions. Americans spend more than $30 billion a year on alternative treatments for adults and children, and increasingly, pets are included in that expenditure, according to Tricia Stimac, a v

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