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Why Do Dogs Run Away?

You open your front door to pick up a package, then your dog bolts out and is gone. Or you’re taking a peaceful walk with your dog, and suddenly they’re chasing a rabbit, out of sight. One of a dog owner’s worst nightmares is having their dog run away, yet it’s an all too common, potentially dangerous scenario. Reasons Dogs Might Run Away Dr. Amy L. Pike, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist, notes that there are a few main scenarios that typically cause dogs to run away. When it comes

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Pedialyte (Electrolytes) for Dogs: Uses, Side Effects, and Alternatives

Like humans, dogs lose water and electrolytes through sweat, urination, vomiting, and diarrhea. Dogs can become dehydrated if they lose vital fluids faster than they can be replaced. Dehydration can affect various bodily functions from digestion to muscle movement. In serious cases, dogs can lose consciousness or experience kidney failure and even death. If your dog is low on fluids, your veterinarian may recommend giving your dog Pedialyte to help replenish their electrolytes. When used appr

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Ear Hematoma in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments

A dog’s ears have two main functions: to detect sound and help maintain balance. The part of the ear you can see is called the “pinna” or “earflap,” which can be long and floppy or short and pointy. The pinna funnels sound into the ear and keeps dirt and debris from entering the ear canal. Unfortunately, this also leaves the pinna vulnerable to developing a painful blister called an aural hematoma or dog ear hematoma. Dogs with allergies or an ear infection might scratch or shake their head s

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Cerebellar Abiotrophy vs. Cerebellar Hypoplasia in Dogs

There are many reasons why your dog could be wobbly and uncoordinated or have balance issues. Some causes, such as ear infections, can be temporary and easy to treat. Others, such as strokes, consuming poisons, or spinal cord conditions, can be more serious. If your puppy has been wobbly since birth, they could have a neurological condition known as cerebellar hypoplasia. A dog with cerebellar hypoplasia can usually still enjoy a high quality of life. Here’s what to know about cerebellar hypo

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How to Teach Your Dog to Wear a Cone

We’ve all heard jokes about the dreaded “cone of shame,” that plastic lampshade that makes dogs walk into walls and trip on the stairs. Although it may look silly, wearing a cone can be incredibly distressing for dogs. But that doesn’t make a cone any less mandatory after surgery or an accident. Rather than forcing your dog into a cone, teach them how to tolerate wearing one in advance. Then, if they ever need one, they can recover stress-free. Why Do Dogs Hate Cones? A cone is a safety de

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What To Know about Dog Probiotics for Yeast

This is a Paid Advertisement for Pet Honesty An overgrowth of yeast can cause a dog’s skin to become itchy and inflamed. Yeast infections don’t just sound unpleasant but they can be very uncomfortable for your dog. While any dog is susceptible to yeast infections, they tend to be more common in dogs with allergies and are often the result of poor diet and overuse of antibiotics. After a thorough discussion of your dog’s diet, along with oral or topical treatment, your veterinarian may reco

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Librela for Dogs: Uses, Side Effects, and Alternatives

Canine osteoarthritis is a progressive joint disease and the leading cause of chronic pain in dogs. Fortunately, early diagnosis and a comprehensive treatment plan can significantly slow the disease’s development. Treatment of canine osteoarthritis is multimodal, typically involving a combination of therapies. The goal is to reduce pain and increase mobility, helping your dog maintain a high quality of life for as long as possible. Librela is an injectable pain management drug for canine oste

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Bilious Vomiting Syndrome in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Is your dog regularly throwing up yellow foam or fluid, but it’s limited to the early morning hours? If they appear otherwise healthy, they could be suffering from bilious vomiting syndrome, also known as reflux gastritis or duodenal gastric reflux. Fortunately, bilious vomiting syndrome (BVS) in dogs is usually easy to treat. However, vomiting yellow liquid can be a sign of more serious conditions, so learning when it’s a cause for concern and when you should see a vet is helpful. What Ca

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Scorpion Stings in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments

Although they’re important members of various ecosystems, scorpions have a bad reputation. These scary-looking arthropods give many people the creeps. However, they help control insect populations, and their shy and secretive nature means they would rather avoid potential predators than attack. If disturbed or provoked, a scorpion can sting using the venom-injecting stinger on the end of its tail. So, how dangerous are scorpion sting to dogs? Is it a life-or-death emergency or more like a bee

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Dermatitis in Dogs: What to Know

Dermatitis in dogs is a common diagnosis, but what does it actually mean? Here’s what to know about this group of skin conditions, including possible symptoms and treatments. What Is Dermatitis in Dogs? Dermatitis refers to a variety of issues that cause inflamed, often itchy, skin in dogs. “Unfortunately, the word ‘dermatitis’ is extremely generic,” explains Dr. Domenico Santoro, DVM, Associate Professor of Dermatology at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine. “Essentia

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What We Know About the Dog-Killing Flatworm Discovered in Southern California

Ticks and fleas aren’t the only parasites that dog owners have to worry about in southern California. A new study from the University of California, Riverside, reports that a deadly flatworm species has invaded parts of the Colorado River, putting dogs’ lives at risk. Since 2019, the infestation has spread to 11 dogs across three counties and led to one death. Through education, researchers hope to empower dog owners with the knowledge they need to keep their pets safe. Recognizing symptoms,

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How to Dry Your Dog: Best Practices to Get Your Dog Completely Dry

When your dog is wet — whether it’s from a bath, swimming, or a walk in damp weather — it’s important to dry them thoroughly. Drying your dog helps keep them warm, prevents mats, tangles, and bacteria growth (which may lead to skin infections), and helps eliminate the “wet dog” smell. While drying your dog’s fur, you can also closely check your dog’s skin for any lumps, bumps, scrapes, scabs, or skin irritations that might need veterinary attention. There are different methods to drying your dog

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Apoquel® for Dogs: Uses, Side Effects, and Alternatives

If your dog has allergic dermatitis or atopic dermatitis, your vet might prescribe Apoquel®. Allergy-related itching in dogs is common, and something veterinarians deal with daily. Most allergies in dogs aren’t curable. However, with the right diagnosis, management, and treatment, controlling the uncomfortable symptoms is possible. If your veterinarian diagnoses your dog with an allergy, they might suggest administering Apoquel. Apoquel is especially useful in treating atopic dermatitis or envir

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Gagging in Dogs: What to Know

We’re all familiar with that “urp, urp, urp” sound that can wake any dog owner up from a dead sleep in milliseconds. But while we know what causes that kind of gagging, what about the gags that don’t result in vomiting? What Is Gagging? Gagging is a term often used interchangeably for retching, but it’s technically different. Retching refers to the action that precedes vomiting when the abdominal muscles and then esophageal muscles contract. That’s the “urp, urp, urp” sound you hear. Th

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Lone Star Ticks and Dogs: What to Know

If you’re a dog owner, you’re already likely concerned about ticks during your state’s tick season. Unfortunately, there are always more types of ticks to worry about. You may have heard of the lone star tick (Amblyomma Americanum). This breed of tick has been potentially linked to several different diseases, plus one surprising allergy in dogs and people. It’s unfortunately expanding its range — here’s what to know to help keep your dog safe this flea and tick season. What Is a Lone Star Tic

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Yeast Dermatitis (Malassezia) in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments

Humans and dogs both uncomfortable when the weather gets hot and humid. That combination creates the perfect environment for yeast to grow and multiply on your dog’s skin. An overgrowth of yeast can lead to a condition called yeast dermatitis in dogs or Malassezia dermatitis. Dogs with yeast dermatitis tend to have itchy and inflamed skin, and they may be very uncomfortable. Here’s what you need to know about Malassezia in dogs, including causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment. What C

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Imodium (Loperamide) for Dogs: Uses, Side Effects, and Alternatives

If you’ve never had to deal with dog diarrhea, you’re a fortunate pet owner. Like it or not, this is a common complaint in canines. While an extreme bout can be a sign of something serious, it’s not unusual for your dog to be temporarily unwell after eating something that doesn’t agree with them or when suffering from a mild tummy bug. If your dog is prone to picking up things they shouldn’t, you might be tempted to grab some anti-diarrhea drugs from your medicine cabinet to stem the flow. Bu

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How Much Mental and Physical Exercise Do Puppies Need?

New puppies are curious, cuddly creatures. Full of energy, they sniff, paw, and gnaw at anything that catches their eye. When they’re not dissecting something they shouldn’t, pups either plop down in the middle of a room to take a nap or run circles around the furniture with your favorite slipper. How much more mental and physical exercise do they need with all this activity? Exercise is essential for physical and mental health, but only the right kind in the right amount for the right breed

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Is Your Dog Noise Sensitive? Sources of Anxiety You May Not Even Notice

Home sweet home may mean peace and quiet to you. But to your dog, the same home could sound like a marching band. Dogs hear many high-frequency noises that are undetectable to the human ear and may cause them to feel stressed. A study of 13,700 pet dogs showed that noise sensitivity was the most common trait to cause anxiety in dogs, showing up in almost one-third of the dogs. What Is Noise Sensitivity? “Noise sensitivity describes a dog who is fearful or startled by environmental noises,”

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Hyperthyroidism in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Although hyperthyroidism in dogs is a relatively rare disease, it can have serious consequences for a dog’s health and life expectancy. The function of the thyroid gland is to produce hormones that regulate metabolism or, in other words, how quickly the body uses energy. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland releases more hormones than what are necessary for the body to function. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism in dogs is a tumor in the thyroid gland, located near the dog’s w

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Pica in Dogs: What to Know

If you accidentally drop food on the floor, it’s no surprise if your dog tries to wolf it down. But what about when your dog eats things that aren’t food? Whether it’s dirt in the backyard or an elastic band from the garbage, why would a dog eat something that doesn’t provide dietary value? Known as pica, this condition seems odd, but some dogs do it. However, there are dangerous consequences, so it’s important to learn the causes of pica and how to prevent it to keep your dog safe. What Is P

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What to Do If Your Dog Has a Loose Tooth

It’s normal for puppies to lose their primary teeth. For an adult dog, a loose or wiggly tooth can be the result of an injury or a sign of dental disease. And because dental disease takes years to develop, we have an opportunity to intervene and prevent tooth loss, starting with good dental hygiene. Prevention is the most effective strategy for avoiding dental problems. But if you happen to notice that your dog has a loose tooth, it’s important to consult your veterinarian to ensure that your

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Vestibular Disease in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment

If you’ve ever had issues with your balance, you know how frightening it can be. Well, dogs can have balance issues, too, and the dramatic way it manifests is scary for the dog, as well as the owner observing the signs. Any dysfunction in the body’s system for balance and equilibrium leads to something known as vestibular disease. Learn what vestibular disease in dogs looks like and what you can do to help your dog if they’re ever affected. What Is Vestibular Disease in Dogs? Just as in hu

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How Does Dog Eyesight Work? What Do Dogs See?

From going on adventures to your day-to-day activities, you and your dog share your lives together. But while you share so much of your world with them, you don’t share the same visual world. What you see, from colors to light, and what your dog sees, are actually very different. The eyes of each species evolved to maximize the type of vision they needed to survive. Many of these differences are obvious just by comparing dog versus human eyes. So what do dogs actually see, and how does their vis

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What is a Double Coat, and What Dog Breeds Are Double-Coated?

From double to single, long to hairless, and curly to wiry, dogs’ coats come in different textures, lengths, and colors. But what exactly are double-coated dogs? Defining Double-Coated Dogs Double-coated dog breeds have coats made up of two different layers. The first, outermost layer is a harsh topcoat that consists of long, coarse hairs. A topcoat may also be called guard hairs or primary hairs. Beneath the topcoat is the short, soft, and dense second layer, usually referred to as the un

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