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Use Your Treadmill to Exercise Your Dog

At this time of year, many of us make resolutions to get fit. Maybe you’re even thinking of getting back on that neglected treadmill that you bought for last year’s resolution. If you’re having trouble getting excited about the idea, here’s something to do with it that might be more fun: Teach your dog to walk on a treadmill. A treadmill is a great way to exercise your dog when the weather is nasty. When the snow is higher than my Pug‘s head, we head down to the basement where she gets to walk

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Hip Dysplasia In Dogs

Hip dysplasia. These two words terrify large and giant breed dog owners, but the truth is hip dysplasia can happen to any size or breed of dog. This painful condition can drastically reduce a dog’s quality of life and is difficult for owners to watch. The good news is that embracing responsible dog ownership and educating yourself about potential health conditions like hip dysplasia can go a long way toward keeping your dog comfortable. Learn what all dog owners should know about hip dysplasia,

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How to Find the Right Vet For Your Dog

Choosing the right veterinarian for your dog is a serious decision. You’ll want to consider factors such as your canine companion’s age, underlying medical conditions, or previous injuries and surgeries. Your dog may need a veterinarian with specialty training, with state-of-the-art equipment, or one who offers special services. Here are a few tips on what to do when selecting a veterinarian: Get recommendations Talk to neighbors, friends, and family. Find out whom they use and are willing to

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How to Love Your Dog: A Valentine-Inspired Primer

When it comes to love, dogs offer all of the devotion with none of the guile. They won’t sign up for a secret account on Match.com, or see another owner behind your back. And that flirtation with the pet sitter … well, it’s harmless. After all, there’s a reason dogs have a reputation for being faithful friends. Reciprocating, though, can sometimes be a challenge. Dogs, after all, approached our hearth; it has been in many ways a rather lopsided arrangement in the love department since the dawn

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Fecal excretion of PFAS by pets

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are used in a wide range of consumer products, from pizza boxes to carpets to non-stick cookware. Therefore, it's not surprising that these water- and stain-repelling substances are ubiquitous in the environment. Now, researchers report that cats and dogs excrete some PFAS in their feces at levels that suggest exposures above the minimum risk level, which could also have implications for the pets' owners. View the source article

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A roadblock for disease-causing parasites

Thread-like parasitic worms cause millions of cases of canine heartworm each year, and more than 100 million cases of lymphatic filariasis, also known as elephantiasis, in humans. New research shows that ramping up the immune response of mosquitoes blocked their ability to transmit these harmful parasites. View the source article

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Valvular Disease In Small Breed Dogs

Heart failure, often brought on by valvular disease, is one of the most common causes of death amongst small breeds like Chihuahuas, Maltese, and others as they approach their twilight years. Here’s what you need to know about this disease and what you can do if you receive a diagnosis for your dog. What is Valvular Disease? First things first. Valvular disease is a complicated condition, with different stages and levels. The stages range from very mild to very severe. Only a veterinarian can

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Healthy Weight Gain For Puppies

You’ve welcomed a new puppy into your home. Congratulations! Now what? In addition to enjoying snuggles, playtime and the challenges and rewards of puppy training, it’s up to you to make sure your dog gets the right amount of food and exercise. Keeping healthy weight gain on track helps ensure a smooth transition from puppyhood to full-grown dogs. To help you through this process, we’ve turned to Dr. Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinary Officer of the American Kennel Club, Dr. Lisa M. Freeman, veterin

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New dog, old tricks? Stray dogs can understand human cues

Pet dogs are highly receptive to commands from their owners. But is this due to their training or do dogs have an innate ability to understand human signals? A new study finds that 80% of untrained stray dogs successfully followed pointing directions from people to a specific location. The results suggest that dogs can understand and respond to complex gestures without any training, meaning that dogs may have an innate connection to human behaviors. View the source article

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Bowel Obstruction In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

A bowel obstruction, also known as a gastrointestinal blockage, is a common canine problem. Dogs are naturally curious, and many have a desire to eat or chew almost anything. Most dog owners are aware of this issue, whether or not their own dog has experienced it. All dogs are at risk, but young dogs are especially vulnerable. Puppies tend to be more eager to put every object into their mouths, often because they are often teething and are looking for something to chew. If a bowel obstruction

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How To Get Fit With Your Dog

As January draws to an end, running shoes and yoga mats around the country are beginning to gather dust. If you’ve lost steam on your fitness-focused New Year’s resolutions, why not try adding your dog to your training routine? Exercising together not only benefits your health, but your dog’s as well. But remember, before beginning any exercise routine with your four-legged friend, consult your veterinarian to ensure your dog is in good physical condition for the exercise you’re envisioning. He

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The Real Reason Your Dog Smells Like Fish

Dogs can smell like many things, depending on what they have most recently rolled in, but one of the more unpleasant aromas dogs commonly develop is one of fish. If your dog smells like fish, it is probably not because he figured out how to spray himself with Eau de Sardine. A fishy odor is usually the result of secretions from the anal glands. What Are Anal Glands? Anal glands, which are also called anal sacs, are small sacs located on either side of your dog’s anus. These sacs are full of s

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Does Your Dog Need Dog Stairs or a Ramp?

If you have a senior dog, a dog with arthritis, or a dog with other mobility issues, it may be time for dog stairs or a ramp. In fact, stairs and ramps can also make life easier for some very small dogs or breeds with short legs and long bodies, like Dachshunds and Corgis. Your beloved canine pal shouldn’t have to struggle to get up on the sofa or bed or into the car. And, depending on his size, it may be difficult for you to constantly lift and carry him. Fortunately, there are dog stairs and r

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How to Stop Dog Farts

Whether they’re silent but deadly or startlingly loud and smelly, dog farts are something that no one wants to deal with. Not only are these farts embarrassing for you and your guests, they indicate that your dog could be in pain from excess gas. While the occasional gaseous emission from your pooch is a normal and unavoidable part of life, excessive gas is not. There are several causes of dog farts, from gastrointestinal issues to food intolerance, so you’ll need to visit your veterinarian to

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Cloudy Eyes in Dogs

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then it is no wonder we get worried when our dog’s eyes start getting cloudy. After all, we don’t want our dogs to lose their vision or be uncomfortable. When dogs have cloudy eyes, it may be a natural part of the aging process. But cloudy eyes also can be a symptom of a number of eye problems. Trying to distinguish between what is normal and what is a problem can be tricky. While your veterinarian is your best source of information about your dog’s eye

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Dogs and wolves are both good at cooperating

A team of researchers have found that dogs and wolves are equally good at cooperating with partners to obtain a reward. When tested in same-species pairs, dogs and wolves proved equally successful and efficient at solving a given problem. This finding suggests that basic cooperation abilities were present in a common ancestor of dogs and wolves, and have not been lost in the domestication process. View the source article

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