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Goodbye my best pal


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You mentioned spending time with a Yorkie.  It's hard to find a cairn in SD ... and these two little elderly Yorkies came on my radar.  Max still hates me.  They say he is 11 but I am thinking  he is much older.  His eye sight is poor but he prances around like he owns the place.  Max loves his morning walks.  Meeko loves just being with me.  Meeko loves Elsie and I think Els has accepted that these two little old men aren't going away.  And yes - they are yippers.  Someone mentioned that Yorkies wouldn't work on a farm, but I think it's what you're willing to put into it cuz' these two little troopers are thriving.  We do have our list of Do Nots and Watch Out Fors.  Meeko is a chicken hater.  He wrestled one to the ground the other day and promptly started plucking the feathers off of it.  Poor bird.  Last week 2 wheaten Cairns came up in the shelter - made my heart flutter.  I would have been on them like fire to a match if I didn't have the boys.  It didn't take long and they were snatched up.  The lost of a cairn is quite an adjustment - I watch Dempsy's videos and there's nothing like a cairn.  The right dog will come along at the right time.  My thoughts are with  you.

I thought you might enjoy seeing the boys meet the cattle and seeing Meeko riding in the planter with me this spring.  ... what a spring - Hope all is well with everyone! 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Thank you, Lori. They are adorable. I’m glad Meeko and Elsie at least are happy. 

I picked up Nikki’s ashes yesterday. Normally I don’t want anything to do with that kind of thing but it’s...oddly comforting having what’s left of him home with me. Today I packed up a very large suitcase full of food from Chewy and the odds and ends of uneaten treats and donated them to the Humane Society in town. I went out back to meet their current terrier rescue. He was pretty nervous, but it felt good to cuddle a pup for a little while and see a bunch of canine smiles and wagging tails.  The Humane Society here is outdoors (in 100+ degree heat) but the dogs have swimming pools, shade, and more space to run around in than the last animal shelter I’ve been in, so I don’t mind going there.  I saw an elderly man walk out with a quarter of the food I had just donated to take home to his pup so Chewy’s gift helped someone in need. It was hard not to spend more time with the dogs but I didn’t feel like it was time to bring a pup home.

 Not to mention my aunt very coldly said “we need to have a discussion before you get a new dog.”  Which tells me she wasn’t happy about something, even though I can’t imagine what. I kept the yard and the house clean and fresh and Nikki only barked when I left him home alone and loose in the house.  When I put him on my bed with the curtain open so he could see the road, he stayed quiet and enjoyed the view (and super cushy pillows and blankets to nest in, plus he had a tall box next to the bed with a bowl of water just at the right height for him. He had a pretty nice setup.) 

I’m still lonely and sad, but I’m slowly starting to adapt. I cooked some beef without setting aside bites to toss in a bowl. I still feel like looking under the table for a begging face when I sit down to eat, and still reach out with my foot for warm fur when I lay down, but I’m starting to get used to having my recliner all to myself for the first time in a decade.  It feels a little weird still, but it is nice to be able to actually rock in my rocking chair instead of being a pup perch. Lol. i’m starting to smile genuinely again.  I’m healing. :)

Edited by Lupinegirl
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the day the ashes come home is a strange one. usually good. you feel they have come home. it's silly but it seems very real at the time. you feel that once again they are in your life, in some different form, but there. 


helene, that's meeko with elsie. looks so much like a certain somebody else. i am so glad the old men enjoy the farm. they deserve it, even evil max. 

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Sounds like you are slowly adjusting. 

I will have to post a video sometime showing you guys Max's love for me.  He is hilarious and he continues to be devoted to Jim.  

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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