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Introducing our new girl


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Little NV is home and having a blast!  She has checked out every inch of the house and yard, went on a short walk (and pooped!), and found the toy basket within minutes of her arrival.  Here are a few pics:



nvs arrival.jpg


nv closeup.jpg

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How wonderful! Another Cairn in your house, it doesn’t get much better than that:wub:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Hello NV sweet little girl. What a beautiful face you  have - such intelligent cairn eyes.

Amused at Ziggy keeping an eye on things.

Good luck and best wishes for happy times ahead!

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She definitely is a cutie. So happy for your family. Hopefully you all can live up to her expectations. 😀


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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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She is so beautiful. Im so glad she is home. My Kelly looks like her, when she has been groomed. Ziggy seemed comfortable with her, thats awesome. 

Have fun and post more when you can.

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NV is adorable and already seems to be making herself at home, which Ziggy seems just fine with.  Looking forward to lots of happy photographs of both NV and Ziggy.



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Going through all the paperwork we received yesterday and found out that her birthday is December 22nd.  Steaks will be on the menu.

I can already tell NV (which we are gradually changing to "Nattie) is the sweetest dog I've ever had.  Her entire body wiggles when she approaches me.  She's also a dedicated hunter.  "Bird feeder corner" is her favorite spot, where the squirrels and birds congregate.  She seems to have unending patience as she waits for squirrel to make the wrong move.


If you can hear me, Buffy, I'd like to thank you for making me fall in love with Cairns. 

nv 120917.jpg

Edited by hheldorfer
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She looks so huggable ❤️ So happy all is working out 

Edited by Terrier lover
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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Nattie had a long day of stalking squirrels today.  She has more patience than I've ever seen in a dog:  She stalked one of them for 15 minutes as DH and I watched from the kitchen window.  Moving forward in a semi-crouch, inching forward, the top of her body completely still . . . until the squirrel made a run for it over the fence and up a neighbor's tree.  Nattie then sat and stared at the tree for another 10 minutes.  

Ziggy is getting along very well with her.  They haven't really played together yet - still at the sniffing stage - but they're adorable when they trot side by side on our walks.  

Biggest issue so far is house training, but that's a hill we've climbed before. 

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1 hour ago, JoJo said:

Pepper says her birthday is also Dec 22 (1 year) and she’d love to share that steak!  Sounds like everything is going great, yay!

Party time!  Steak at Nattie's house on the 22nd!  Pass the word!:D

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