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Good to see Buffy motoring on and having a good time. And nice to see Ziggy for the first time. Sassy of course thinks he is a cutie. :wub: You know Sassy.

Sassy wants to know why she doesn't have a Godmother. See what you started. :P

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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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14 hours ago, hheldorfer said:


buffy & holly 082217.jpg


Help! I keep trying to figure out where Buffy's face is, under that wonderful mop of hair. I can't make out an eye or a nose or an ear or a mouth. Can anyone identify a feature and orient me? For example- might the ear be at 11 o'clock and the nose at 6 o'clock? Beats me! The photo is adorable, but I give up!?

Edited by bradl
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1 hour ago, sanford said:

Help! I keep trying to figure out where Buffy's face is, under that wonderful mop of hair. I can't make out an eye or a nose or an ear or a mouth. Can anyone identify a feature and orient me? For example- might the ear be at 11 o'clock and the nose at 6 o'clock? Beats me! The photo is adorable, but I give up!?

Buffy's head is turned toward Holly, with her nose (and probably tongue) touching Holly's chin.  From there it's anyone's guess exactly where her eyes and ears are.  

"Tidy" is not a word that would be used to describe Buffy.  :P

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5 hours ago, Idaho Cairns said:

Well, Helene, if Holly wants to adopt an "old dog" I think I know one that could be available immediately!;)

Sorry, Chuck.  Holly already has an 'old dog' at home but I'll pass along your offer. :lol:

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Buffy went to the vet for a blood glucose check today and it was 123!  Her previous readings have been quite high (400+) and we're delighted that we finally seem to have the diabetes under control.  She's been extra-frisky the past few days, enjoying the cooler weather and bossing Ziggy around.  Tomorrow is our granddaughter's first birthday and the family is gathering here.  Hope to get more pics of Buffy the Social Butterfly.

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2 minutes ago, hheldorfer said:

She's been extra-frisky the past few days, enjoying the cooler weather and bossing Ziggy around.

That's delightful. Enjoy every bite of life, literally and figuratively :P 

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I am so glad her glucose is down and she feels like bossing Ziggy around. I'll have to say I'm enjoying the cooler weather too. I can't wait to see more pictures of the diva ( social butterfly) :)

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Today was the absolute best for Buffy.  Her favorite baby (our granddaughter, Keaton) came to visit.  Buffy never cared for children at all until Keaton arrived, but Buffy follows Keaton around and covers her with kisses at every opportunity.  Keaton even grabbed Buffy's hair once and Buffy just moved away - no grumbles or any sign of displeasure.  Here are some pics of my favorite two girls.


buffy keaton bday 082617.jpg

buffy keaton bday 082617b.jpg

buffy keaton bday 082617c.jpg

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Adorable girls!:wub:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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What a lovely picture.  These two girls are adorable and I love seeing Buffy looking so well and that smile on her face just beats it all. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry I haven't posted much about Buffy lately.  She hasn't had any special visitors in the past few weeks but she has certainly been making her way around the 'hood, getting pets and belly rubs from everyone she knows.  She has been full of life and energy lately.  Her interest in chasing balls and playing tug-'o-war has come back, as has her interest in pestering Ziggy.

There's only one new development that's rather odd:  Buffy is losing lots of hair.  I read that hair loss can be related to diabetes, so I assume that's the cause.  It's strange that it suddenly began about 2 weeks after her splenectomy.  She doesn't have any bald spots and we haven't seen any sign of skin irritation, bug bites, etc..  I suppose that's the least of her worries.

So, for now, all is well.  Wish this could last forever.

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