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Sunday is the day

Sam I Am

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Talked to Sam's breeder this evening and we are picking him up Sunday :P. I am excited and of course a little nervous . I know we have introduced new puppies into our household,many times but are there any useful tips anyone can suggest to make the transition for both dogs a good experience. Sam is almost 11 weeks old and has his first set of vaccines only, so we won't be taking him out of our yard until the second set are given. There has been a Parvovirus outbreak in some areas so I want to be extra careful. Rosie is a sweet sweet girl, but very protective of her house and property...typical terrier. What I am planning to do is bring  SAM home and place him in the x pen so they get to meet each other for the first time with a barrier between them. When the excitement dies down a bit I am going to take them into the back yard.  Suggestions?


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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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We will be picking up our (as yet unnamed) little girl on July 4th. Titan is 7 years old and with that, plan on letting them meet in a neutral zone before bring them both back home and into Titan's domain. It's going to be a bit of an adjustment for him when he finds he's sharing home and family with her now.

Thanks Idaho Cairns for sharing your experiences. We're optimistic but cautious at the same time.  Would appreciate hearing from others who have gone through their experience(s) of introducing a new furbaby to an older one..

Edited by Luke Bizzy
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I bet you're a bundle of excitement, nervousness and anticipation!  I understand you may not have a 'neutral zone' where you could introduce Sam and Rosie.  When we brought Ziggy home we let Buffy meet him in the back yard, off-leash so neither dog was at a disadvantage.  I can't say it worked out perfectly - there was quite a bit of tension at first - but that was two adult dogs.  Rosie's maternal instinct toward the puppy may overcome her territorial tendencies.  

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I agree with Idaho.  Each time we were getting a new puppy we brought the older dog with us to meet on neutral ground and let them ride home together.  It worked every time. I was worried back in March when we got Gus that Rocky (who seemed very possessive of his toys) that he would not want to share, but this was never the case. I am sure  Sam and Rosie will be great friends.

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I agree with Idaho. I also believe Rosie will mother the pup. It will be awesome. I can't wait for the report either. Im so excited. 

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Thinking about you today, Lynn.  Can't wait to hear about Sam's arrival and see pics of him and Rosie.  Fingers crossed that all goes well!

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All this excitement and Sam falls asleep in his pen.


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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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At last!! We know how you have wanted another cairn and here he is!  Hello Sam!  He and Rosie are off to a good start in their new life together - and with you.

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Well true to Cairn Puppy  nature and teeth, I had to put on oven mitts and take his bone away. First time ever using a clicker and it took three times with the mitts and clicker before he didn't argue with me when I took the bone away from him.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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so glad things are working out well. sam is a little prince, and i hope rosie is very happy (long as she gets to make the rules). congratulations!!!!

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To borrow a quote from the movie, Casablanca... "Sam, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!":wub: 

P.S. Thanks for the beautiful photos!

Edited by sanford
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Something tells me it isn't going to be a restful sleep tonight. I know the worst thing is to cave into puppy pitiful cries....even now I am sitting beside his pen, because the look and the little whimpers tear at my heart. Rosie is a few feet away from him and isn't so friendly anymore. She is way better out in the garden with him. I think she is a bit snotty because he has kibble in his pen and she doesn't!   Very food driven that girl. 

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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" I had to put on oven mitts and take his bone away." so there is the true-cairn test out of the way. you got the real thing. 

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Welcome Sam! Rosie's food possesion will go away when she sees Sam is getting the same home made food that she gets. Right now Sam is getting kibble that is something strange to Rosie so she is jealous. Except for the food they are getting along just fine. Love the picture of Sam sleeping in his cage. He is worn out from all the excitement.

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