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Delete Quotes and Spoilers Using Tablet/Phone


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While CairnTalk works surprising well on tablets and phones (at least compared to the old days!) certain things are a bit less intuitive when using fingers and touch devices rather than keyboards and mice.  

For instance it is easy to inadvertently add a quote tag or spoiler into the edit box with an errant finger touch on a formatting button — but it is much less clear how to remove it. Simply backspacing over it like you would on a desktop does not work! Here's how to remove accidental quote boxes using, in this example, an iPhone. The process is the same for both spoilers and quotes and applies to most portable devices like phones and tablets. 

  1. First, touch the quote box to activate it. You will see the text entry area pop into focus ready to receive text.
  2. Next, touch the small box-with-arrows in the upper-left corner of the quote box to highlight the control icon.
  3. Finally, press backspace-delete on your device "keyboard." This will delete the entire box.

The process in screenshots.


The highlighting of the control is *very* subtle. The control must be highlighted in order to delete it.

  • IMG_7594 copy.PNG not yet highlighted
  • IMG_7595 copy.PNG highlighted and ready to delete


The software developers are aware that it needs to be easier to delete quote boxes and similar for mobile users, so look forward to a day when you will probably be able to just backspace over the box and be done with it. Until then, happy deleting :thumbsup: 


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Idaho Cairns

ZIPPPPPPPP!  Ok, Brad just went by me but then I don't own and operate an I-phone--I must be the only person on the planet that can't be messaged 24/7.

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I only have a Walmart flip phone Idaho. Smart phones don't work at my home. I do have Samsung tablet though and I tried to delete a quote like Brad said. It worked! Thanks !!

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