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Thomas Goes to the Nationals


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Another lovely article about obedience.  The View from the Back of the Pack: Thomas Goes to the NOC


My heart ached for the man in the final 20 who sent his dog to the wrong glove, and the woman whose Shetland sheepdog didn’t seem to see her down signal; to have come that far and slipped up on a trivial mistake maybe stung sharper in some ways than scoring predictably in the bottom 25. But later, I couldn’t see the disappointment in their faces, or defeat in their dogs’ gaits. I understood that they’d hung in as long as they did precisely because they don’t take their ring failures to heart. To keep going that long, a dog needs to believe he’s succeeding. Their dogs believed they’d won.

I'm sometimes confused to find myself tearing up a bit watching obedience and Judith's articles go a long way to helping me  understand why that might be. 

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I'm following Kelli Winkler who is going to nationals this month with one of Nelly's pups, Oscar, born 06/27/2017.  Oscar's sire, Earl Grey continues to win awards.

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Max and Nelly

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8 hours ago, tlwtheq said:

I'm following Kelli Winkler who is going to nationals this month with one of Nelly's pups, Oscar, born 06/27/2017.  Oscar's sire, Earl Grey continues to win awards.

Oops.  Make that "born 06/26/2016".

Max and Nelly

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I'm guessing that would be the CTCA annual conformational specialty (celebrating the club's centennial this year)? Unless there's another obedience national I'm clueless about (entirely possible :P)

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Going to have to ask Kelli about that.  She's very busy, and just gave Nelly her new Summer "do"...fussing at us all the way (fondly) about keeping Nelly's paws/pads closely clipped and clipping hair between the pads.  Kelli is an artist.

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Max and Nelly

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Yes, the Centennial in May will have agility, obedience, rally, dock diving, nose work, earth dog, barn hunt and  FastCat, in addition to conformation.  We'll be there but unfortunately, Phinney probably won't be able to enter conformation.  It seems he only has one testicle that has descended, the other one is playing hide and seek.  ?  He's got about a week to drop it before the entry deadline.

Here's a link to the latest schedule:


Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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