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The redomestication of wolves

Gray wolves provide an important case study for understanding ecosystem effects when apex predators reoccupy their former ranges. These species often rely on anthropogenic food sources, which has broad implications for ecosystem restoration efforts and the possibility of human-wildlife conflict. View the source article

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Raccoon dog represents a more acute risk than raccoon as vector for transmission of local parasites

The raccoon and the raccoon dog are two non-indigenous animal species that have become established in Europe in the past decades. Their increasing abundance has not only made them the most common carnivore species in some countries, but has also made them of interest to parasitologists as potential hosts for diseases. A team of researchers has now analyzed samples from both species in Austria. The raccoon dog, which is more closely related to the fox, was shown to serve as an additional host for

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Stopping Zika from crossing the placenta

Although the World Health Organization ended its global health emergency on Zika last November, the virus could still make a comeback this summer. Researchers report that they may have figured out how this virus invades the placenta, where it can cause birth defects, and they are taking steps to develop strategies that block its access. View the source article

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Nutrition: How to Get Your Dog to Eat More Slowly

Some dogs are slow eaters, taking their time to chew every little piece and enjoy each bite. Others, as most owners know, seem to swallow their food whole without even bothering to consider what it is they’re eating. They eat so… View the source article

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Nutrition: How to Get Your Dog to Eat More Slowly

Some dogs are slow eaters, taking their time to chew every little piece and enjoy each bite. Others, as most owners know, seem to swallow their food whole without even bothering to consider what it is they’re eating. They eat so… View the source article

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Homemade Dog Treats: Recipes, Tips, & Tricks

Did you know you could bake treats right at home for your furry friend? This lets you know exactly what ingredients she’s eating—giving her a health boost, and you some peace of mind. Store-bought treats contain preservatives—harmless, but needed to preserve… View the source article

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5 Common Dog Illnesses That Are Impacted by Nutrition

When it comes to diet for our dogs, there are countless options available. Canned foods, kibbles, raw foods, dehydrated foods—the possibilities and brands offered are essentially endless. Owners shouldn’t focus on brands or types, but on quality of View the source article

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5 Common Dog Illnesses That Are Impacted by Nutrition

When it comes to diet for our dogs, there are countless options available. Canned foods, kibbles, raw foods, dehydrated foods—the possibilities and brands offered are essentially endless. Owners shouldn’t focus on brands or types, but on quality of View the source article

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Homemade Dog Treats: Recipes, Tips, & Tricks

Did you know you could bake treats right at home for your furry friend? This lets you know exactly what ingredients she’s eating—giving her a health boost, and you some peace of mind. Store-bought treats contain preservatives—harmless, but needed to preserve… View the source article

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What Every Owner Should Know About Parvo in Dogs

Parvo is every new puppy and dog owner’s worst nightmare. In a matter of days, a perfectly healthy puppy can go from playful and active to fatally ill. Parvo in dogs is a preventable disease, however, all new puppy owners and… View the source article

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What Every Owner Should Know About Parvo in Dogs

Parvo is every new puppy and dog owner’s worst nightmare. In a matter of days, a perfectly healthy puppy can go from playful and active to fatally ill. Parvo in dogs is a preventable disease, however, all new puppy owners and… View the source article

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Is Ringworm Contagious?

Somehow the idea of contracting a parasite seems far worse than catching a virus or bacteria. If worms freak you out, there is good news—ringworm is not a worm, it is a fungus. The bad news is that ringworm is… View the source article

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Is Ringworm Contagious?

Somehow the idea of contracting a parasite seems far worse than catching a virus or bacteria. If worms freak you out, there is good news—ringworm is not a worm, it is a fungus. The bad news is that ringworm is… View the source article

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Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon?

Does your dog beg for your cinnamon scones? Has she ever gotten into the spice rack? If so, then you’ve probably wondered, perhaps somewhat frantically, can dogs eat cinnamon? We know that certain people foods, like chocolate and grapes, can… View the source article

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Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon?

Does your dog beg for your cinnamon scones? Has she ever gotten into the spice rack? If so, then you’ve probably wondered, perhaps somewhat frantically, can dogs eat cinnamon? We know that certain people foods, like chocolate and grapes, can… View the source article

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Biodiversity loss shifts flowering phenology at same magnitude as global warming

Researchers have revealed that declining plant diversity -- from habitat loss, human use, and other environmental pressures -- causes plants to flower earlier, and that the effects of diversity loss on the timing of flowering are similar in magnitude to the effects of global warming. The finding could have a powerful influence on the way scientists study ecosystem changes and measure the effects of global warming. View the source article

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