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Our Rufus is in Heaven now


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Rufus T. Watermelon. He thought my left arm was created to rest his head and my lap was made to sleep on. Now he sleeps with God and I look forward to seeing him again. Until then, I will miss you ever minute of every day. I will miss your greetings at the airport. I will miss your back-talk when it was time for me to come to bed. I will miss sleeping in the middle. I will miss your kisses and the smiles you always gave me.

On April 17, 2009, my best friend was brutally killed by a supposedly friendly Mastiff. I spent 6 years loving and protecting him and then one day, failed to be there for him when he needed me most. While visiting to celebrate our grandson


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Add my tears to yours. I am so, so sorry for the loss of your best friend.

I can only imagine how you must feel to not only have lost him, but in such a horrific, preventable way.

Is your daughter keeping her dog?

Again, I am so very sorry.

Emma and Oscar (once mauled, but thankfully alive)

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I am so very, very sorry about Rufus. I cried more at this tragic story than I have in a long time.

I know it's difficult to draw comfort from it now, but you gave him six fabulous, fun and love-filled years. In your grief, please try to remember that. You rescued him and took him on adventures he would have never had otherwise. It is obvious from your post and the "Best Buddy" story that you shared a very special relationship. My heart aches for you.

Please don't blame yourself. There was no way you could have predicted what happened.

My deepest sympathies to you and your wife.

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I replied to your previous post about Rufus under the Topic "heartbroken", but I haven't been able to get your story out of my mind. I've discussed it with my DW, and she shares my sorrow & sympathy for you and your wife. We too have a daughter with a big dog, a Boxer, that Bailey & Sophie played with when it was just a small pup. They haven't seen him since he has gotten so big, and I know if they ever do see him again I will be there every second, because of your story. I know you don't believe it, but it was not your fault. Terrible things happen, and sometimes they are just accidents, plain & simple. There was no way you could have known what would happen, or you would have prevented it. There are many rooms in our heart for the ones we love, and your love for Rufus T. Watermelon will fill one of those rooms forever. You will always be able to go to that room and remember the wonderful times that you shared with him, and as you said, you will see him again. I pray that someday you will be able to open a room in your heart for another dog. No dog could ever replace Rufus, but one could bring a new love and happiness to you & your wife.


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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i sobbed reading this.

i'm so so sorry for what happened.

remember this: you gave rufus a wonderful life and the good times outweigh what happened.

be proud of yourself for the love you gave him.

you are NOT to blame for what happened. it could have so easily been ok - you were just socialising your dog. and he would never blame you.

g-d bless rufus.


"Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they're only animals."

- Jewish philosopher Theodor Adorno

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Rufus' story is heartbreaking. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. From past experience of pet loss, I know the grief is so fresh, it's hard to imagine a brighter day, but healing will come with time. You will be in my thoughts & prayers.

Becky & Tanner
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I am so so sorry for the way in which you lost Rufus.................. but it cannot be your fault as you were not to know what would happen. My thoughts, and prayers are with you and your wife as you mourn your "best buddy"...................


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I don't know what to say. This is one of the worst ways to lose pet. I came close to this outcome with my boy last year. All pet owners grieve your loss.

Greg and Val Perry

Home of Kula RN CGC, Am. Can. Int'l. CH Cairngorm Coffee Tea or Me RA ME EE2/Can. SE NAJ NAS CGC (Kona), CH Clanmarr's Steele Princess (Hattie) and CH Scotchbroom Thistle The Patriot SE (Sully) Visit: CroftersDream.com

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My heart goes out to you in this very sad time. That is a tragic story. As the others have said, certainly not your fault, but a very unfortunate accident.

We lost a Cairn last Sept. and the first couple weeks were extremely difficult. Time does heal ... remember all the wonderful, fun moments you had with him.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. My words seem so small and your loss so tragic, but you and your wife have been in my thoughts since I first read your post yesterday. I hope in time you find a sense of healing and peace. ~Dawn

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I want to thank all of you for your kind words during this time of tragedy for us. I never visited a forum like this before I lost Rufus, he would get irritated if I ignored him sitting on the computer too long. It has been a difficult week and a half for both of us. I guess it will get easier with time.

Darrell & Jan


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What a wonderful little guy Rufus what and what a great life you had with him. I cannot imagine how horrific that situation must have been for everyone there, but for you and your wife especially.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Shelley, Angus and Mickey in Seattle

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I am so very sorry for the sad and tragic loss of your beloved little boy, Rufus. Please be kind to yourself as you are suffering a profound and inexplicable loss of such a precious companion. Please take the time to grieve your loss. I know you are placing the blame upon yourself but it reallyt sounds as though there was no indication your daughter's dog had the potential to harm Rufus.

Please accept my heartfelt symptahy,


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I'm so sorry to hear of the tragic and sad death of your beloved Rufus. Such a very unfortunate accident, but surly not your fault. My Missy passed away 4 years ago and I still think of her every day. She is in my heart forever as Rufus lives within your heart. They are never to far away.

Godspeed Rufus you earned your angel wings.



Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Hi Darrell & Jan

Let us know how your doing, remember you have ALOT of caring people here :) Also let me know if you received my reply PM's as I'm not sure if you got them or not. Take Care and God Bless. Your always in our thoughts and prayers

If you want the best seat in the house, move the dog.

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