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Scotty, we'll miss you


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Yesterday we had to euthanize our wee little bairn, Scotty. He was ours (and we his) for only 11 brief years before metastatic cancer destroyed any chance for his recovery. This morning there was no companionable presence in the living room, and no need to rush home from work this evening...no one was eagerly awaiting our return. There was no patter of paws rushing down the stairs toward the door, no broad 'smile' to greet us, no excitement it taking the well-worn trip out into the yard. Only a big quiet house.

Scotty was my first dog since childhood...he was the "children's" dog..my (now) ex-wife and our son and daughter 'conspired' to convince me to add a dog to the family. I've never regretted it. Even when our family splintered after 24 years of marriage, he was here to help reestablish a sense of family, to hold us together and remind us that we were still a family...the basics had not changed...he still needed us, and we him.

In the wake of his passing, I don't know what will happen. People aren't as wise as dogs in many ways.

This sadness is overwhelming. I guess this is something you don't understand until it happens to you.

Goodbye, laddie.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish you had found this Forum sooner, so that we could have been there to help comfort you while you were going through such an awful time. Eleven years sounds like a long time, but when it comes to our precious pets, it's not nearly long enough to have them. Don't be too quick to close the door on the possibility of getting another dog at some point in the future. Another dog won't be able to replace Scotty, but it would bring new love & companionship into your life, the things that your are now missing. There is another dog out there that needs you, maybe an adult from a rescue organization. Scotty will always be in your heart & your thoughts, but another Cairn could make your life much happier. God Bless Scotty, and you.


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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sheila and Misty

Im sorry to hear of your loss as well. Oh it does hurt real bad! many of us have experienced that horrible emptiness.

I found myself finally saying-well we had a wonderfull loving warm time together and have had very special times. Altho I lost many a pet and 4 dogs so far,,Im so glad that we were fortunate enough to have found each other and Ive never regretted that for one minute. The only way I could ease the pain of loss was to fill my home once more with another little dog and thats how we got Misty. she didnt take the pain away but she made us focus on her which turned into a wonderfull bonding experience and Im so glad shes here. His time was up and hers is now she was meant to be with us..........then along came Toby..double joy !! our hearts arent empty anymore- youd be surprised what a new companion can do for you! I always have room for ..just one more :hug: .....

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I have experienced your sadness. Like Jim said, it's too bad you didn't find

us sooner. But we're with you all the way. And should you decide to adopt

another wee bairn we'll be here then too.

God bless.

The Wilk Pack

Max and Nelly

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I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my Cairn Missy 4 years ago and it is still hard. I miss her each and every day. Months after her death, my hubby surprised me with a male Cairn who we named Kramer.

He really helped me get threw such a hard time in my life losing Missy. He is the most lovable little guy I have ever known. I know that Missy sent him to me knowing that I needed such a little fellow who needs to be so loved. I hope in the near future you can get another Cairn to fill that void.

I'm sure it would be something that Scotty would want you to do.

Godspeed Scotty.


Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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So Sorry about your Scotty, we know just how you feel...Our Daisy was 10 and died of stomach cancer, we feel so sad... It's the little things like when you go to bed or get up and when you come home and there is no one there to greet you.........Our house is not the same so we have decided to just find a new fur-baby...... Daisy will always be in our hearts , but having a new baby to love and train will help us not feel so empty.........The great thing about this board is there are so many people who know how we feel and can give us comfort.............Prayers are with you!!


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I am so very sorry you have lost your beloved Scotty to this horrible disease. I know your heart is broken. We lost our precious 17 year old Miniature Pinscher, Ralphie, Nov. 21, 2008 and our 16 year old little Cairn mix, Betsy Noodle, January 11, 2008. The grief was almost unbearable for me.

I always said that Betsy and Ralphie were my heart. They are. But, I have come to realize the heart has many rooms. In December of 2008, we adopted a beautiful little brindle Cairn that someone had dropped off at the city pound. We named him Murphy. He has brought more joy than I could have imagined back into our lives.

I am glad you found this board. There are so many caring people here who really understand the pain and emptiness you feel. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Wishing you peace as you mourn,


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  • 3 weeks later...

so sorry for the passing of your loved one.

never forgotten....


"Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they're only animals."

- Jewish philosopher Theodor Adorno

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