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Well - it's official - Calli loves to swim.

The other day my daughter and I were in the hot tub when all of a sudden there was a little doggy there too! It is built into the deck - but it is still at least 2.5 feet up - she did a flying leap over the wall and SPLASH! Well I immediately kicked her out where she proceed to run under the deck and roll and roll and roll in the mud . . . leading to our first bath. I felt I had to do it anyway as the chlorine in the hot tub is concentrated more than in a pool!

She is beautiful, clean, fresh . . . but water dog loves to play with the kids, the hose and the sprinkler! So her clean and fresh lasted all of an hour and then it was back to wet and muddy. But no chlorine so all was well.

Now this whole time I am wondering - can she swim? I know she LOVES the water but can she swim? Yesterday we went swimming in my inlaws pool! All of a sudden there was a doggy on the stairs! It was hysterical because the water on the first step came up over her legs so watching her walk - lifting her legs out and then splashing them down in - it was hysterical. My mother-in-law asks, "Can she swim?" - as I'm about to respond with, "I have no idea" - there she goes . . . Calli is swimming all over the pool! It was hysterical! I loved it. She did this all day! She would get in, swim around, get out, play, run around like a lunatic, get back in, go for another swim . . .

Just watching this doggies is killing me!! :wub:

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