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Well - this week - in about an hours time - Calli chewed through her harness. The kids were outside playing with her while she was on the tie out and suddenly she was free. I almost had a heart attack when my 4 year-old ran in to tell me that Calli was FREE! :shock: I will say that it hasn't been the problem we anticipated. She is totally happy to play in the yard with us. Every now and then she starts to stray towards our neighbors yard - luckily where we are - all of our property is divided by stone walls so we can usually creep up around her and herd her back into our yard. And when she is yelled at - she usually drops her head and runs back. (At nighttime there isn't a problem because the silly little girl is scared of the dark!! She isn't afraind of ANYTHING else, including thunder - but darkness . . . )

She is having a great time tearing through the yard with the kids - running full speed in tight little circles trying to catch them - up and down the hill in the back! Something we couldn't do on the leash.

And she is now able to walk up into the woods with my son where she is in the process of digging quite the hole! Very impressive - and since it is not in the grass - she can dig to her hearts content! There is quite the bond forming between the two of them - as they go for their little walks and run around together! And although he is only 8 - he has developed into quite the maternal alpha boy - getting great respect from the little Calli! He is even able to keep her from straying - (because no matter what catches her eye - there is nothing in the world more fun than chasing the alpha boy around the yard!!! :wub: )

In the meantime I have ordered a lupine harness as it has a lifetime guarantee - even against chewing and we will not be taking any walks off of our property without the harness. But we live way up on a hill with a lot of property in the back and some woods - all divided by high, old stone walls - and since most of the chipmunks live in the stone walls - she stops there to search!

These guys certainly do have quite the personality. (I especially love to watch her run and dig!! There is no sight quite like it!!)

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Guest posting as: Mary Jane Henry

Hi Callismom,

My Emma has shown us the joy of freedom as well. I know that many have posted the dangers of Cairns not coming when they're called, but if we can overcome that - oh the JOY of freedom is so wonderful to watch - as you say. I wonder if any of you use the "Chuckit"? It's a plastic handle that fires a tennis ball quite a good distance? My Emma absolutely loves it! We play in a safe park and she used to retrieve the ball for treats but sometimes now, she doesn't even care if she gets a treat or not - she just loves to chase and retrieve the ball! Next Saturday, we are going to our first "Earth Dog Day" and am I ever looking forward to it!


Mary Jane

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Just recently we've been letting Piper (14 months) off the leash as well. Our neighborhood is so full of activity I've been reluctant to for fear she would just run off. But she minds my husband reallly well and has not strayed from the yard yet. She even saw a bird she wanted to chase but when Daddy told her no and to come, she did! Our Lucy (previous cairn) was always really good off the leash and almost always ;) came when called. I'm hoping Piper will do the same. :wub:

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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