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Ikea pup in commercial-Cairn?

Kirby's Mom

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Actually it is a Norwich Terrier named Fleet.

Her housemate Stamp was in a Law & Order episode last year I believe. Her is a link to her trainers website. Although mostly about her older dog Stamp....Fleet does make appearances here. Some interesting articles here especially about training terriers.


I have not seen this ad yet but know it was filmed back in March or April.

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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I thought it was either a Cairn or a Norwich, it looked a little big for a Norwich, but hard to judge in .5 seconds, when the dog is running off, like a true terrier!

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:oops: You are right...Norfolk....sorry....I said Norwich.

I am soo bad about confusing those dog breed names.. Good thing I know what a Scottie...um...no Westie?......ummmmm ahh CAIRN is :o

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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