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Princess Charming


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We took Gidget to her first soccer tournament today to watch our 17-yr-old son play. She was amazing! She didn't bark at any of the millions (slight exaggeration, but what it must have seemed to her) of strangers, she stayed in the shade by my chair or my dh's, and she let everyone who wanted to meet her have a chance to pet her. Of course, I kept her on my lap, made sure the little girls came up one by one then let Gidget sniff their hands, and only after she seemed okay with the child did I let little hands touch her. The only thing she didn't like was not being able to chase the ball my son was kicking out on the field like she does at home! She really impressed us with how well she handled everything, and she really loved all the attention she got! For a little Cairn who's only been out of a bad puppy mill situation for two months, she's a trooper.

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