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My wife and I went canoing last weekend. Dexter comes with us every where we go but for some reason my wife decided that it was to dangerous and that he couldn't come. I think she also didn't want to worry about him. So we leave him at my parents house. We get a call Saturday that my dad was out on the golf cart and some how dexter ran beside it blah blah he ended up cutting his leg on a rock. He cut it bad and even got the main artery. They rushed him to a vet and they put him and and did surgery. He had about 4 stitches on the outside and I don't know what they did on the inside. By the time we got back to get him his leg was wrapped and his paw was horrible swollen. As of today the wrap is gone his his paw is still swollen and it is juicing. The top of his cut is starting to heal but the bottom is taking longer I guess from him licking it. We have tried to stop all the licking at this point. He can still get to it with his cone on and he acts like he is getting beat every time he has to wear it. he just sits there and his head could not be any lower. I have had to be out of town since monday so I am relaying what my wife has told me. his swelling has moved up his leg some now and spread the bottom of the cut open.

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Aww poor little guys, he must feel terrible...hope he gets on the mend soon. is he on antibiotics too? Perhaps try and eliabethian collar?

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poor sweetheart, how horrible for you! i'm sure you all were worried sick! have you obtained the files from the vet who did the surgery and taken him to your regular vet to show him the wound and share the medical file? you need to. sounds like a check up is in order if he still has swelling. and although the cone is unbearable for us to watch, it's best if you keep it on him. he's less likely to be as active and less likely to try to get to the wound. he needs to rest. keep us updated!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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poor sweetheart, how horrible for you! i'm sure you all were worried sick! have you obtained the files from the vet who did the surgery and taken him to your regular vet to show him the wound and share the medical file? you need to. sounds like a check up is in order if he still has swelling. and although the cone is unbearable for us to watch, it's best if you keep it on him. he's less likely to be as active and less likely to try to get to the wound. he needs to rest. keep us updated!!!

I'm going to have to second this recommendation. These infections bear close watch.

Please take care of Dexter and get him back to the pet pronto if swelling and

oozing continues.

Max and Nelly

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Get him back to the vet pronto!!!!!!!

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-Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

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It's because cats simply can't be trusted for heavy lifting & dirty work required in the war on terrior.

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i agree with everybody else --right back to the vet, now. it's important. the cut needs to be cleaned out and maybe restitched, and he might need to switch antibiotics. at the least he is at risk of having a slightly deformed foot permanently and at the worst he is at risk of going septic.

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So sorry to hear about your little guy. It is a fear of mine to leave mine with friends or family and something would happen or she would get away from them on a walk. What a terrible thing to come home from a day out to. I am sure your parents feel just awful. Must have been a bad day for them to.

I sure hope he gets better soon.

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives
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I'm so sorry to hear about the accident. I agree w/ the others that you need to take him back to the vet to check on that swelling. Ask the vet about a topical called Banguard to keep Dexter from licking his wound. Please keep us updated.

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Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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You might want to try getting him a 'bite not' collar. I purchased two for Mett & Bratt when they were fixed. The worked really well.

Bite Not Collar

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I agree with all the others....time for a recheck! I do hope he's better please let us know how he's doing.

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sheila and Misty

AWW! poor Dextter poor you and how your parents must have felt. Good thing they quickly responded, I'd get a grip on the swelling right away too. Dont play around with infections-hope your all feeling back to normal soon.

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ok quick update. We just got back from his real vet. They gave us some ointment and told us to clean it out 2 times a day with dawn and let it dry then apply the ointment. she said it could take a month to fully heal. I hope not he is going to want to swim way before that. I feel better about things now.

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Poor Dexter! Just remember he's a tuff little guy and will make it through this - although it will not be fun. Give him the proper attention now and hopefully it will be a thing of the past soon and he can get back to swimming and having fun.

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Well we have had 2 days with the new cream and his hole in his foot looks much better. If we are not watching him like a hawk he is licking the junk off though. He has been spending a lot of time in the cone. He is running and playing some though.

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Glad to hear Dexter is okay. It sure is hard when our little ones get hurt. Can't seem to keep them down for long. They are always looking for the next thing to get into.

Take care Dexter.

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