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Cairn Event


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Is there any kind of Cairn Gathering? I don't know how it would be done but think it would be great! Every year in the Atlanta Area they have what they call a Pug Fest where pug owners get together show of their PETS have demos and vendors. The monies raised goes for the rescued animals.

It would be wonderful to have something like that for Cairns or maybe Terriers if Cairns is to limited. There may be something and I have just missed it.

You could have classes and Demos on Agility Training, Canine Good Citizen, obedience, owning a Cairn, temperament testing, etc. Then have contests for the cutest cairn or the best trained and let them be people


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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In our local area we have an annual Racing Day and Picnic that includes games like hot-dog bobbing, grooming demonstrations, kissing contests, etc. Here are some picture albums from a couple of past ones:




This year's is September 4 at the same location.

Most clubs do have fun days of some sort. The CTCA calendar lists some fun days for other clubs around the country:

Event Listing

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Thanks for posting this, Brad. The pics were great-looks like all of you have a fun day :).

Got a question....the date, June 12 for Illinois...what do they do at the 'specialty' event?? We live nearby and just curious.



Cathy and Piper

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That's wonderful great pictures. I live near Atlanta Georgia so I was hoping for something in this area. Enough people when I walk Rebel know he is a Cairn so I hoped maybe there was something around here. I think I will call the breeder I got him from and see if we can do something.

I am jealous.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Well, I'm not the right person to answer, but I'll do my best. Specialties are special conformation shows where the emphasis is on a specific breed, and special classes are allowed. For example, stud dog, brood bitch, special sweepstakes events for puppies, etc. Specialties are of particular interest to breeders because this is where the best dogs are brought out and you can see not only the top winning dogs of the day, but more importantly, the progeny they are producing.

I'll use our local area (the Pacific northwest) as an example. At an ordinary all-breed show there might be anywhere from 1-12 Cairns. 15+ Cairns would be a nice turnout. At a specialty there might be 30-50+ Cairns, depending on the time of year and show location. At the national specialty, there are typically over a 100 Cairns exhibited, possibly way more than that. If you are interested in the breed, any specialty is worth attending, and the annual or roving national specialties are worth planning a vacation around.

Most specialties include social events: dinners, and the like. Some either offer or are surrounded by perfomance events, such as obedience, agility, earthdog, etc.

Visit the CTCA calendar to see both specialty listings and links to the show-giving clubs, to get an idea of the types of activities. They are not really along the lines of the 'Pugfest' idea, but if you are a student of the breed, specialties are well worth your time and effort to attend. Example: want to see Cairns being groomed? Cruise the grooming area at a specialty and you will have the opportunity to see scores of accomplished exhibitors grooming Cairns. Some will have a few minutes to spare to give you a tip or two.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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we take our baby everywhere while some will look at her and know she is a pure bred cairn we get a lot of 'what is she i know a terrier but some will ask if she is a jack russel. we have learned the best way to explain it is say she is a pure bred toto dog LOL


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