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my carin as a service dog


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Hello all how was every ones day ? Any way i had to share some important new A great complument and a small rant . I want to share my story with every one >first off i dont post much buti felt this to be important if there is any one on this bord that suffers from anxiety or depression please read on as for every one else this may be imformative for u to .I am 32 and have suffered drom depression scocal anxiaty and ptsd i was a victome of demestic abuse for 10 long years any way for a long time i had to have some one go out with me if i wanted to go out and some times did not get out of bed for days . that is untill sunny came in to my life he is my 18 week old cairn that has made such a big difrence in my life . now why am i tell u all this i bet u are thinking but hear is why sunny is now training to be my psd that stands for psyciatric service dog if u would like to know more about what that is please ask me any time .well i had my dog trainer out and she informed me she has never meet such a well behaved dog as him as well as smart i just had to share that it took me a long time to find some one that would work with us becouse meny ppl felt a cairn could not do this job but god he is proving them wrong with that said my i have to vent about so meny ppl that see him working just stop and pet him while he is working becouse he is a cute little dog and when i ask them not to pet him becouse he is working ppl ask how could a little dog like that be working and then ask what my disability is witch is verry rude . any way i just wanted to share with ever one on the board that yes our little cairns can do any thing any to also let ppl know that our cairns can help us in so many ways

i hope no one minded this long story but i hope to help any one out there that needes it as well as to share how wonderful my little guy is

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interesting! i don't find it surprising that a cairn can be a great personal support and consolation, but it is a pleasant surprise to learn than an 18 week old cairn can impress a trainer so much! congratulations, and keep getting better.

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Thank you for sharing your story, and as pk said, keep getting better. I think it is wonderful that your young Cairn is turning to be so sweet and such a support. I hope you guys enjoy your training together.


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That is great!! I think we can all partially relate because each of our lives have been fulfilled by these little devils!

I am so happy you have found a good match and can have a better life because of Sunny..so congrats!!

And yes people can be very rude...but on the same token think of Sunny as a conversation starter and a great way to interact and maybe aid in your healing. Good Luck on continued success!

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I have a good friend who has suffered from serious depression for most of her life, and at a particularly low point, a young cairn found his way into her life. And he literally saved her life. At the time, she said it was hard to put one foot in front of another, but she did, because she knew he was waiting for her at the end of a hard day. And that she was responsible for taking good care of him, he was completely dependent on her, so she had to take care of herself so she could take care of him. The unconditional love they show can also work wonders. I truly think that dogs are guardian angels. Keep posting!

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Thanks for your story. I was suffering from depression for many years starting in my teens

until a Company doctor (in 1988) took notice and I was diagnosed. The meds they put me on

set me straight. I still have my grey days, but I'm mostly alright.

It is my belief that the many non-humans I have in my life are an essential component

to my mental health. My Cairn babies make every day beautiful and worth

living. I would not do without them. Quoting the late Charlton Heston on another

subject, but in reference to Cairns, "..out of my cold dead hands".

I.e., no one is coming between me and my fur babies!

Take care and keep us posted.

Tara, Happy Mom of Many

(Happy Mother's Day to one and all.)

Max and Nelly

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sheila and Misty

thanks for sharing and your right animals can really be uplifting and with a clowny cairn your so busy getting entertained that they dont allow room for your depression to take over- who knows a few more cairns and you may be off your meds completely!! talk about natural cures!! keep your chin up and the tail waggin! :P

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thank you all for being so supportive i will keep every one posted on how we are doing i am taking sunny out for an outing today and am getting ready to order his service dog in traning vest i am so excited we also have not had any accedents in the house for the last week witch is good for us thank you very much also how can i post pics of sunny i tryed to do from photo bucket but it gives me an erra message

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When you go to "add reply" it gives you an option to upload photos...I usually have to shrink them down though.

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how can i post pics of sunny i tryed to do from photo bucket but it gives me an erra message
When you are ready to add the picture to your post, open up another screen and go to Photobucket, below the picture click on "IMG Code" and it will say "copied''. Next go back to your post and paste the picture. Good Luck!

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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