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Cairns in the Movies


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Last night we watched the movie 'Elizabeth, The Golden Years. Mary Queen of Scots had a pet Cairn in almost all of her scenes (Except of course the scene where she lost her head).

The Cairn didn't have a speaking part, but Zen saw him/her and gave a couple of barks. It's alway exciting to suddenly see a Cairn show up in the movie you are watching.

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I saw that a couple months ago, I was so excited!

I looked up on wikipedia on Mary Queen of Scots, and apperently when she was beheaded her little dog was underneath her dress and came running out barking when her head dropped.

There is a couple of threads on here in regards to Cairns in movies.

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In addition to the Wizard of Oz, Cairn terriers have also appeared in these movies:

Bright Eyes, 1934

Calling Philo Vance 1940 (Terry)

Reap the Wild Wind, 1942

George Washington Slept Here, 1942 (Terry)

The Uninvited, 1944

Without Love, 1945

The Valley of Decision, 1945

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, 1947

Saturn 3, 1980

Hocus Pocus, 1993

2 Days in the Valley, 1996

Twister, 1996

Dunston Checks In, 1996

Portrait of a Lady, 1996

My Summer Vacation, 1996

Lost and Found, 1999

Children of Men, 2006

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

-Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

Chase and Gus video

Youtube- Best of Chase and Gus

Cairn Terrierists

It's because cats simply can't be trusted for heavy lifting & dirty work required in the war on terrior.

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There was also a Cairn in "Eight Heads in a Duffle Bag". For those not familiar with it, it is a dark comedy, and may not be to everyones taste. But the Cairn in it steals every scene he's in, although he only gets a couple minutes of "face time" in the entire movie.

It was on TV a few months ago although I don't remember which channel. As often as they rerun movies though, I'd expect it will be back on fairly soon.

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After getting our Kirby, who looks JUST LIKE Toto, we can't watch The Wizard of Oz without spending the whole movie comparing the two dogs-the movie might well be The Terrier of Oz as far as we are concerned. Two peas in a pod.

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Couldn't resist watching the clip - I never noticed before how Toto keeps stickin his (her?) paw out for more attention from Judy. Cute how the ears were back with the singing too :wub:

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That's my favorite part. Also, when the Tin Man is doing his dance break, and Toto is kind of dancing with him, but then he shoots some steam and Toto takes off.

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That clip is SO sweet, and addicting, I am going to have to play it again. You can't help singin' right along with Dorothy. Thanks, Puddles' mama. Loved the way he (she) was putting out that paw.


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