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Devastating News


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Zoe was hit by a car this afternoon. At the vet, x-rays showed her back was totally severed. I had to have her put to sleep. I wish I could tell you all that I'm ok and that although she was a beloved pet, she was, afterall, a dog. I can't. I'm devastated beyond words and I feel like I've lost one of my family members. I am lost, and sad, and drained from crying. I am not looking forward to going to bed tonight b/c all I can think of is that there is going to be an empty spot on my pillow where Zoe always laid. I don't understand it, it's very unfair, and I know that it's life. Life sucks right now.

We were so careful with her. But she dashed out after a car passing by the house while I was standing in the doorway talking to my daughter. We couldn't stop her. So here I am sharing this news with all of you. Please keep your little ones safe. I feel like I failed her.

Anyway, I can't begin to think about another dog right now. But if/when I do, I know it will be another Cairn. Until then, I'll keep checking in from time to time to read about all of your wonderful little friends and their antics.

God Bless.


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Guest posting as: Abe's Dad

I feel for you the loss of a beloved pet is as bad as loosing a family member , They have a way of getting deep into your heart that way. Last year about this time we had to put our pet Collie down. This left a very large void in the whole family, The best way I have found to get over loosing a pet is to get another one (that is how we ended up with Abe). The new pet doesn't fill the void but dulls the pain as they can never be truly replaced but you can always find a little more love in your heart for another one. It took Abe a little while to win the whole family over but he has. Our youngest daughter was the last hold out but she has given in and opened her heart to anther pet. We will keep you in our hearts and prayers


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Hi - - I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved Zoe. Take solace in the wonderful memories you and she have shared - - time passing will help to heal the sadness you are going through. My thoughts are with you.

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I am so very sorry! You did not fail her. Accidents are just that, accidents. I worry so much about the very same thing happening with my girls. And it doesn't matter how much training or obedience they have...sometimes you can't control what happens.

My heart is so heavy and full of grief for what you must be feeling. They say time heals the pain of loss but in the meantime I hope pleasant memories help with your loss. I will pray for you and Zoe and please remember that someday you will meet again...I firmly believe that. Sandy

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I understand so completely! I lost my best friend about a year ago, she had been with me as long as I had had the twins.........13yrs old. She was a collie and the best dog I had ever had the pleasure of knowing.

Abe helped a lot more with the grieving then I thought he would. I was totally against getting a puppy much less another pet to fear losing--but hubby won out, and even though I tried really hard to keep a hard heart toward him it didn't help!! lol....he will never replace my Lass but, he is a reminder of life going on (eventually) You will know when you are ready to move on, until then- You are in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.

So sorry for your loss,

The family of Abe

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I am soo sorry for your loss, I know you loved that little dog like she was your child. Take time to grieve and take care of yourself. When you are ready Zoe will push another special somene in your direction. Kate

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Thank you, everyone, for your kind thoughts and prayers, and the emails. They have been a great source of comfort to me because I know that you all understand the depth of my grief. Sandy, I too believe that Zoe and I will see each other again. My son, Andrew, believes that she is still here in the house, keeping watch.

We buried her in the backyard with her favorite toy. She is resting in the spot she liked best to watch for squirrels. It's comforting to know she is still close by.

The hardest part is getting past the *little* things, the routine things that I never really thought about. This morning, I was getting my other dog's glucosamine pill ready, hiding it in a bit of hot dog, and I found myself cutting off a little extra piece for Zoe. Just like I always did.

I do want another dog. I know she would want me to be happy and not sad. In fact, in the last minutes of her life, she heard me crying and was concerned about me. She always would lick us if someone was upset or angry. I was able to pull myself together so as not to upset her any more.

I miss her terribly. But the few short months that I had her were so filled with happy memories, the whole house is full of *Zoe*, that I will be able to take them out and cherish them for a very long time.

Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers.


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I'm soo sorry to hear of your loss!!

I'm new to the site but I understand what you are going through. One of the hardest things I've ever had to go through is the loss of a a family member (pet). The whole reason I decided to get a Cairn- which I got Feb 5, 2004 is because I lost 2 family pets. I had to have my white German Shepard (Sheba) put to sleep after a wonderful 12 years together, I was devistated to say the least! Then I got married a year later and my husband and I inherited a cat from his sister which helped filled the void of losing my best friend but when you have a dog in your life for so long, it's hard to adapt to a cat's personality it's not that a cat has a bad personality, just different from a dog. And I came to love his little quirks too. So, when we moved in November we tried to keep him fenced in the back yard, but he would escape and I had to bury another loved pet. I was hurt all over again and I swore I would never have another pet. But after 3 months I was soo lonely I found our baby boy-Scotch. And I truly believe things happen for a reason, and I know that Sheba and Roadie sent Scotch to me!

My thoughts and prayers are with you.


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Thela -

I am so sorry for your loss. Try not to blame yourself in anyway - it was an accident. As someone else said, take time to grieve and to take care of yourself. When the time is right for another dog, you'll know.

Most of us know the heartbreak of losing a pet. It is devastating. But try to think of the good times -

You're in our thoughts and prayers...


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Thela, I am so sorry. What a terrible tragedy! I know how badly you are hurting. I am coming up on the 1st anniversary of having our Lucy put to sleep. It's a hurt that just overwhelms you. And even though we now have our Piper to love and play with, I find I still miss Lucy as much as ever. They are such a part of our lives, it's an indescribable loss when they're gone.

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Please accept my sympathy on the loss of your precious family member. My thoughts are with you and yours.

Posey :(

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To Zoe's Mom,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. We had to have our bordercollie put down after twelve years. John and I feel your pain and want you to realize that our prayers are with you now and during your grieving time.

There is a wonderful verse from Tennyson saying that God came down and touched him and he died. No in your heart that your pup is in a better place and will be waiting for you.

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