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Stripping my Puppy's Coat

Guest posting as: Mary

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Guest posting as: Mary

My puppy will soon turn 7 months. I'm planning on immediately starting to strip her coat. I have purchased lots of books on this subject, including the book offered by the CTCA. All the books are good, but none are as beneficial as "seeing the stripping process" would be. I tried to purchase a video from UPCO on how to groom the Cairn Terrier, hoping that they would have a detailed version that I could see on the stripping process. Does anyone know where I can purchase a DVD or a Video on how to strip my cairn? I'm a quick learner, and I want to do a good job.

Also, in reading over some responses. Some of you say that using laytex gloves works well. Never having stripped my cairn, could you tell me why I would use laytex gloves?

Thanks for any an all the help you can give me. I must begin this process as early as next week.


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Latex gloves, (or finger cots, or rubber fingertips from the office store, or chalk, or pumice stones) all serve the same purpose, to increase your grip on the hair. With more grip you don't have to pinch your fingers together as hard to keep hold of the coat when you pull it. This means faster, easier work.

Best bet: go where the Cairns are. Go to the AKC web site (or just call a local kennel club ), and find the next, nearest dog show. Cruise the grooming area and locate any of the terrier family with similar coats. If you ask politely and are mindful that exhibitors are often more relaxed AFTER they show, you can almost certainly find someone to give you a brief demonstration so you can see the process. You are right, the basics are really very simple, they just sound complicated when trying to describe them.

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B) Greetings all!

I ordered the Mars stripper from the Colonel Potter site, I think just this past Monday. It was waiting for me when I got home from work today. Out to the patio Cooper and I went. In a matter of minutes, he was transformed! He wasn't looking all that shaggy, just a tad, but what a difference it made!

I brushed him first, which he is not overly fond of, then proceeded w/the Mars. He didn't seem to mind that at all. I didn't want to wear him out too bad the first time, so only spent about 10 minutes working, but both my husband and I could notice the change. I should note Cooper will be nine months old on the 11th of this month and the hair on his left rear hip (or whatever you call it in dog language) was just starting to become curly. Now that is gone and he appears happy as a cairn can be!

We also had our first Good Canine Citizen class this past Tuesday. I was glad to see there were only two other dogs in it. He did fairly well, but is not grasping any of the hand commands (or word commands besides sit!), but I'm sure by the time six weeks goes past he'll have it down. The woman teaching has years of experience, and I am quite pleased with her.

That's it for now,


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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:) Good for you with stripping your own Cairn. Now get that pumice stone break it in half and finish up his face. He will look greattttt! :thumbsup:

I cheated this year I trimmed the belly fur and the toes and then Mars coated her again. The Mars comb is just too big for around the face and ears. I have been told that when your Cairns' fur parts down the back naturally it is time to groom....

Bravo, another Cairn owner who does their own grooming. :thumbsup:

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Hi...I've been using that Mars Coat King on my 2 Cairns too. Although the 7 month old is just starting to get "fluffy", I noticed a ton of soft fur came out when I ran the stripper through her. I think it may be too late for my 10 year old....the groomer always clipped her and her coat is soft but it did tidy her up.

Question, how often are we supposed to use it and should it be used on the leg fur too?

I've read that it takes a long time for that part to grow back if I screw it up. :shy:

And how do you do the ears?

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Another proud owner of a Cairn that strips their dogs. Good for You :thumbsup: The ears should be hand stripped with a stripping comb or the all purpose pumice stone. Make sure you hold the head skin taught so as not to yank, like when you pluck your eyebrows.

The ears and face are more time consuming but worth the effort. As to how often you strip that is where your personal opinion comes into play.

This year I trimmed our girl toes instead of stripping or using the comb. :innocent: No one will ever know what you have done unless you say so.. Just don't go to hard with the Mars comb it could cause alittle skin damage. The word to think of is lightly.

Good luck, try it on the older girl you may just never know. Its never too late.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use the Mars Coat King, too but would like to know more about the pumice stone that Lori is referring to. I was going to buy another Mars, the mini-version for ears and face. The medium size is too big for this. But the pumice stone? How do you use it?

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Guest

Can I ask what size Mars Coat King you all are using? My Maddie is about 15 lbs. I've ordered one as well as as Mclellan fine and couse stripping combs. I'm hoping to prove my husband worng-he thinks The Coat King won't work as well as pulling Maddie's coat by hand!

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The Mars Coat King - 16 blade! (and the fine if you ever decide to get the mini coat king).

My baby is only 4 months old - I haven't used it too much yet as her outer coat is really starting to come in - on her legs a little . . . so far I am impressed - everyone is right - do it lightly so as not to take too much hair out. From what I can tell - it works really well for rolling the coat if you don't want to do the full stripping twice a year. When I first saw it I couln't believe that this would do what it does! But again, I am impressed. I haven't used the mini yet but I am already glad that I have it in the supply basket! I think it is going to be of great help when it comes to the face and underarm area!

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