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Toys, chews, etc


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I need some suggestions. Greta is now 9 months old. She has pretty much destoryed Jake's (stuffed) toys. I have found this toy . Has anybody tried these? They seem to be pretty durable. I saw one in a pet store while visiting Portland and the sales clerk they are big hit with her customers. I am also interested in what others give their dogs to chew on. She likes bully sticks. She has a sterlized bone that we put peanut butter in. She has a kong and an irresistible treat ball. Does anybody use pressed rawhide? She has a nylabone but shows no interest in them. Any suggestions would be great!.



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I'm also interested in hearing people's toys and bones for touch chewers!

oregoncoast - the tuffies toy looks interesting, but the little disclaimer at the bottom says for extreme chewers, use the Mega tuffies toy - which is out of stock. Bruski will basically destroy anything that is not rubber or rawhide. Any toy with stuffing is history, so we've stopped buying them unfortunately.

He loves rawhide bones - but we try to buy the natural colored bones that don't contain bleach. The only nylabone he likes is one shaped like a wishbone - all others he ignores.

Bruski also likes Budda Bones, but they don't last very long at all. Maybe a few hours if we're lucky.... but when we have guests, its great to keep him occupied.

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When my kids were young we gave them "baby squeek toys." Very durable and 1/2 the cost of a dog toy. As far as rawhide...might try the flat chip kind, mine like the chicken flavored. The bully stick is great, really keeps the teeth clean and works those gums. You want you pups to chew and help in dental hygene, gum disease can be a problem in any dog. I happen to have one with the disease, brush his teeth everyday, also he like the compressed rawhide...does that tell you any thing? In other words the compressed rawhide does nothing but fill their tummies, no real benefit, can't clean teeth because it crumbles. Hope this might help, keep treats for special times in the week, mine have a bad habit of sitting in front of the cabinet looking so sad, like they never have had a treat in their lives....LOL.

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Cristy has destoyed every chew toy I've gotten her except for one called Fat Cat. http://www.fatcatinc.com/html_site/hhome.shtml She has the pink rabbit. We play fetch and tug a war and she hasn't managed to destroy it yet after a whole month. She loves to find it and just chew and bat it around. She's nudging me now because I was holding it as I typed this message. It's her bed time but now she thinks it play time. She always retrieves this toy when I tell her to 'get baby'.

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redmon is extremely fond of stuffed toys with squeakers in them. they last from three to five minutes, then are nothing but a plastic squeaker box surrounded by kapok body parts. big fun while it lasts. the geodesic-patterned "hollee-rollers" looked more promising, they are very tough rubber, can be thrown around the house without breaking anything, and he learned to toss them for himself when i was not available for play. i think they are advertised as "indestructible" or something to that effect, but they all get a few struts torn out of them before long. fortunately, they still work pretty well even with a few pieces missing. the real problem is that i haven't been able to buy them lately. don't know what is up with them.

i know a lot of people who swear by these kong things. they DO look indestructible, but they also look boring. if my dog throws them (which he often does with is toys) they are likely to break something. i may buy one, but i really wish i could find more hollee-rollers.

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