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New Rescue Cairn


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We adopted a rescue cairn - T-Bone - about 6 weeks ago. Though Allie's nose was a little out of joint, she's learning to get along with him. He'd get along with anyone.

We walk both dogs two to three times a day, and they get used to doing their busines on the walks.

T-Bone has an odd habit and I'm wondering if anyone ever had another dog do this. When he needs to "poop" (for lack of a better word?), he backs up to a tree and does it there. Just as though he were going to raise his leg when he urinates, only this is poop. We finally realized that this might be some kind of marking behavior, but I have never heard of it before. This morning he got so close to the tree that his poop actually stuck to it. Strange dog...

Has anyone ever heard of another dog doing this? Why do they do it this way?

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We've got one of those :P Our Haggis tends to want to poop against a vertical surface. So much so that when traveling or in a strange place if we're trying to get him to "hurry up" (that's our potty word) it helps to lead him up to a tree trunk or even just up to a taller clump of grass if in a field. When scooping out in the yard, I'll occasionally find something nestled in a shrub or whatever. "Look, a flowering Poop Lily." :sick:

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Packy does this sometimes, too. They look really stupid doing it, don't they?

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Spike does it alot, always has.

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Glenmore Hjour Summer Sun


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For the past month or so Currey has been lifting his leg on a tree or bush to mark and then transitioning into a poop. He particularly likes ferns and sometimes poops right over the top of it. Sometimes they are so tall that when he attempts to put his lifted leg back down to concentrate on pooping, he can't and ends up doing his entire business on three legs. DH tells me that in the backyard he likes to do his morning business facing downhill and often when he finishes, he tips forward on only two legs to get away. weird weird weird....

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And my female does it occasionally as well-usually on telephone poles. I have no idea why poles and not trees, and it seems to be the same poles when it happens.

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Oh.....my.......goodness....... I had no idea dogs did this. As quirky as Barney is, I am surprised he doesn't do it too!!!

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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When we are out walking Susie likes to back up into long grass or under plants to do her poops. She seems to enjoy leaving it in the most awkward places for me to retrieve it from.

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WOOF! Eli, here. See, Dawgs??? This PROVES what I have been telling you all along! Our Uprights are freakin' CRAZY! With tiny brains and too much time on their hands. It should be NO problem for us to take over the world. :thumbsup: They are way too busy thinking about stuff like where and how we poop.


Eli B)

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Oh this is so very interesting! Bailey has done this one time only, but now it makes sense why he did it. We were at my mom's house and it was Bailey's first time to visit there. We went on a big walk in her neighborhood and he "did it" against a large boulder in someone's yard. We of course were so embarassed and picked it up quickly. We were just certain that he didn't realize he was backed up so close to the rock. We sometimes forget that dogs really are NOT dumb, but we sure thought it that day.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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