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Mars Coat King Help


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Can someone please help me determine what size Mars Coat King to get? I've searched around the forum and it looks like people use differant sizes. I do not know enough about this tool to understnad what the variuos sizes mean in terms of results. Any suggestions ???? Thanks!


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I use the 36 blade


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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We use the 12. medium-middle of the road

From groomersmall.com website

Coarse & Medium styles (6 - 12 blades)

for prep work and thinning out undercoat

Fine styles (16 - 20 blades)

for grooming soft, heavy coats

Super Fine styles (20 - 26 blades) for finishing

and thick, shaggy coats

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

-Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

Chase and Gus video

Youtube- Best of Chase and Gus

Cairn Terrierists

It's because cats simply can't be trusted for heavy lifting & dirty work required in the war on terrior.

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Thanks for telling me what each blade size is used for....just what I was looking for. Thanks again.


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Another 16-blader here. I saw on a "Cool Tools" site that Oster makes something just like the Mars, at 18 blades. I don't have one but I might get one to keep in the vehicle. It appears from the picture to be all metal.

Oster rake


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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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