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Here's my first attempt at making a short movie with my camera.

Henry couldn't decide what to

Here are some recent pictures, too. I can't believe he'll be a year old in a couple of weeks. He makes life fun.




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I love your giggle the best in the video. Really cute


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Geeze, he looks like Toby's Twin ! Aren't they just the best......good job on the video, I'm at work and don't have speakers at work :( I actually thought of starting a thread about just how much I enjoy my dog ! Cute puppy, great video and pics, thanks for sharing !

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What a cute video, I love how he can't make up his mind which one to grab.

Geeze, he looks like Toby's Twin !

and I thought he must be Susie's twin :D

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Darcy does the same thing as Henry... torn between 2 "fetch" items. Henry is such a cutie!!!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Henry is a doll! We too got a laugh out of him trying to decide which toy to fetch! I need to get my digital camera out and make a fetch video of Barney. He looks so cute when he retrieves it! Ears laid back and racing back to me at full gallop!!

Don't you just love those raw hide bones when they have been chewed for a half hour or so??? They get just slimey enough to stick onto your jeans!

I love how they hold on to their bones with their paws!! Barney likes to lay on his back and hold his tennis ball to chew on it! So cute!!!

Thanks for showing us the video and photos!

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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