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Snake Hunters

Tracy A.

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Well, the garter snakes came out about a week ago. My husbnad tells me that this is around the 4th snake they've caught, but the first one I was able to get photos of..... a picture is worth a thousand words.... I"m not a big snake lover, and this one was still alive when we relocated it- (eewww)


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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2nd photo didn't load here it is


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww....I don't know if I could take one away from our dogs. That would mean that I would have to TOUCH it! :P

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Thank goodness that snake is non-poisonous but it sure looks like it's a pretty big one. I hate snakes!! Good for them keeping your yard snake free.

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Awesome photos. There would be no relocating of snakes in this household unless DH were to do it. I would be the one relocating, to a bottle of wine and a very high chair.

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If Cody brought that home I would die! Thank God he knows the drop command.

I have the shivers just thinking about it.

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Great pic!!!

The snakes have yet to make their presence known here...so far. I'm sure it won't be long though. Thankfully I'm not too afraid of them...only the big bull snakes that I really think could EAT Gracie...she's so dang tiny!!!


We're the Cairns of America

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It's really nice to hear you relocated it, as I am a big snake lover. Thanks for dealing with it intelligently, they are part of the ecosystem for a reason. Magnificent animals when you get to know them, honest!

Have you hugged your Cairn today?

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I hate snakes.......I really hate snakes. Way to go guys for taking care of those creepy creatures!!! :ninja:

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It's really nice to hear you relocated it, as I am a big snake lover. Thanks for dealing with it intelligently, they are part of the ecosystem for a reason. Magnificent animals when you get to know them, honest!

I guess that means my yard is a healthy one? Because we have Garters everywhere.... More than last year.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Those pics make me wish for more snow/cold weather here in CT...

I WANT to like snakes but I'm deathly afraid of them. I can pick up a spider no matter how large or creepy it is and relocate it to a safe place (where hubby/son won't squash it) but when it comes to snakes in my yard, I totally freak out. I do not kill them though...I will usually try and confine them to an overturned bucket until my husband comes home and moves it to another state!

So far the only predators in our yard that Maddy has gone after are the squirrels, chipmunks and neighbors cat. So what happens if she gets ahold of a garter snake...will she bring it to me and expect a happy welcome? :shock: I'm getting the creepy crawlers just thinking about it.

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I am not brave by any means. Soon after we moved into this house, I had a close encouter with a larger Garter with 'attitude'- My husband purchased this after that and it was then named... So when I say I am 'relocating' it's from about 36" away!! (Yes that is a snake handling device)

post-995-1175563401_thumb.jpg post-995-1175563326_thumb.jpg

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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We've got a man-made pond and waterfall, so we have lots of little water snakes. Though, I've only seen lizards too date.

Funny story....Last year we had Digger not 4 weeks. He was about 13 weeks old. After DH had mowed the lawn he evidentally didn't give enough worning to one, so I was sitting on the deck and proud little Digs comes running up with 1/2 a snake..tail end. I quickly took it from him, which he seemed a little upset about. The next night in the yard, I told him "little Digger go find the other 1/2 of that snake"....I'll be darned if he didn't coming running up with the head side about 15 minutes later. I know he didn't know what I was saying, but it was hysterical. My DH reminded me to be careful what I wished for.

Just tonight we had about at 8" long salamander, so I know the snakes are close at hand. Digs seems to be over it but the new girl (Jazz) is the great hunter, so I'm sure many will be killed this spring. I just hope she doesn't try to bring them in.

Spring fun!

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My DD is on montdoug's side on this one! She loves snakes and sees them as a necessary part of nature. Me on the other hand....I don't have as warm feelings about snakes as she does!

BTW, I would take a snake over a large spider in a heartbeat! Spiders could disappear from the earth as far as I'm concerned!!!!!

Do the dogs slurp those snakes up like spagetti????

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Do the dogs slurp those snakes up like spagetti????

OMG....I'd totally die if I saw Maddy do that...would NEVER be able to kiss her little face again!

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sheila and Misty

I really havent figured out exactly what it is Mistys after at night.I think shes following a vole traveling underground through the mole paths..because she walks fast in a winding pattern about 2 feet then stops. pounces then continues-I went out with a flashlite and followed her but I see nothing. now the scent run is way different . she doesnt touch worms anymore and allows the birds in her yard-because we like them. As far as snakes I havent seen any yet this year only one salamander in the front yard. Gonna have to keep an eye on her and bees though-shes an air bug snapper.

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We have TONS of snakes - live way too close to the lake - we have bull, garter and some rattles... :( my Westie would do battle with snakes and was bit in the ear one summer when she was about 6 years old - and her ear developed an internal blood issue - leaving her permanently with one ear down... so now I'm going to be extra careful with the girls and try to guard them from the naughty little yard snakes.... hopefully I'll catch and relocate before the bring them indoors to me - my last Westie would bring them in and let them go in the house... no joke! So not fun knowing snakes are in the house loose.

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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It's really nice to hear you relocated it, as I am a big snake lover. Thanks for dealing with it intelligently, they are part of the ecosystem for a reason. Magnificent animals when you get to know them, honest!

I guess that means my yard is a healthy one? Because we have Garters everywhere.... More than last year.

Yes, we too have a healthy yard w/ Garters and Black Racers, both good snakes to have around because they keep Pigmy's away. We're on a lake, so I'm use to seeing them. I saw my first Black Racer yesterday and walked behind him until he slipped out under the fence. Keeping snakes out of the yard is usually my Aussie's job, guess he was napping. He's an outside dog (prefers that), so he'll chase off any snakes before the Cairns get a chance. He'd never hurt one, he'll just run them off. I'm not a snake lover, but I can appreciate their beauty. I've actually been upset to see Kiara kill a "good" snake.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I see several snakes a year in my yard. The biggest was a 5ft long black ratsnake that took a liking to my daughters car. He had crawled up in the radiator opening and was poking his head out when I saw him. I managed to fish him out and relocated him back in the woods behind the house out of harms way. I find small ringneck snakes around the pool quite often as well. The cairns have not had a face to face run in with one yet.....its just a matter of time though.

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Thank God for city life. We deal with the wayward neighbor child or dog. Maybe, MAYBE a cat... but a snake!!!! Ewwwww.

Toomanypaws, I have to ask, and I know I sound like a dolt, a Pygmi???? People or animal :confused:

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Thank God for city life. We deal with the wayward neighbor child or dog. Maybe, MAYBE a cat... but a snake!!!! Ewwwww.

Toomanypaws, I have to ask, and I know I sound like a dolt, a Pygmi???? People or animal :confused:

We have Pigmy Rattlesnakes, or use to when the house was first built. They're small, but could still harm a small dog like a Cairn.


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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sheila and Misty

unexperienced with this situation obviously, but do any of you take your dogs to the vet with snakebites? (if you know its not poisonous). what are the chances of the dog getting bit by the snakes they hunt down (or mice moles etc) before they destroy them? Who usually wins dog or prey? answer from anyone with situation experience would be good...thanks ahead of time.

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unexperienced with this situation obviously, but do any of you take your dogs to the vet with snakebites? (if you know its not poisonous). what are the chances of the dog getting bit by the snakes they hunt down (or mice moles etc) before they destroy them? Who usually wins dog or prey? answer from anyone with situation experience would be good...thanks ahead of time.

If I know what kind of snake bite they have or watched it happen - like a garter or a bull snake - I know they might get sick to their stomach - but it won't kill them- if I didn't know I'd head to the vet because we do have rattlers in my area - or if I suspected it was poisionous in any way I'd definately head to the vet immediately. I think the chances are 50/50 with snake bites - usually the dogs know how to grab in the middle but my Westie was bit in the ear once by a snake - it just reached around and nailed her - I would say the dog wins overall....

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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