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Kong Toy


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We bought a 'small' size Kong when our puppy was little. Just wondering if we might want to move up in size? What size do you have?



Cathy and Piper

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Hi! Riley has 3 of them - - a small, a medium and a large one. The small and medium I fill with dog food and freeze - - it keeps him busy for about 10 - 15 minutes. The large one I fill with all sorts of kibble - - this keeps him busy for a little longer because the larger kong is harder for him to hang onto. Anything for a few minutes of rest time - - - for ME not for him!!!

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I bought the kong toys for my dogs... than of course, I had to buy the $7.99 can of dog peanut butter to squirt into the kong.

Does anyone know if people peanut butter is good for dogs? I have heard that it was, however I am leary to do it.

I am really fussy with the puppy... I am only giving her Eukanuba food and biscuits... my older dog is overweight, so I am leary of letting the puppy get overweight. My older dog has to loose 10lbs at some point, she should weigh 14lbs, and currently is weighing in at 24lbs. She is eating less, however not losing any weight. I am hoping once the weather gets nice, I'll be able to get them outside taking walks. I try to get her to play in the house, but I throw the toy and she plops down on my lap.

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For some reason my Cairns do not like the Kongs...I have the small one and even when I stuffed it with a biscut, they kind of just ignored it. Maybe I should try a larger one and use the Kong stuffing food. Anything to get the puppy from chewing my stuff.

My ten year old is overweight too, jcavuto. Right now she weighs in at 21 lbs. I feed her the Iams "diet" food but she doesn't lose weight either. More to love I guess but I do worry about her heart and health especially when she tries to keep up with the puppy.

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I am on my second Kong for the puppy, I got her the first one and she didn't really like it, I put the biscuit in it but she wasn't crazy about it. Now, I tried it again with the stuffing and she LOVES it. She is actually running around with it as I type. :)

Apparently there is all kinds of things you can do with it, put it in the diswasher, freezer and microwave. They have recipes on the Kong website of what to put in it.

I'm going to have to try it.

My older dog is 8, and she seems to be quite healthy... I just worry about her little legs... she has tall, thin terrier legs on a pug body. Poor thing. I tried the low fat Eukanuba but my vet suggested the regular food, just a lot less of it. He said sometimes with the low fat food, they do not get enough nourishment for their coats?! Taffy wasn't having any problems, but I switched anyway. My big problem now, is getting the puppy to eat her food faster so I can pick it up before Taffy gets to it.

The puppy keeps Taffy from laying around all the time, so I am hoping that will help. :)

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  • 1 month later...

When I pick up Murphy's kong, we have the middle size, if I don't have it filled in three minutes he jumps up and tries to take it off the counter. I'm glad he's not any bigger than he is because he probably would take it. As soon as I give it to him He runs and hides. The harder I stuff it the longer he's away and my wife and I get to rest. Then he comes in for a reload, but we only give him one per day as much as he begs. Some times he'll grab the kong and put it in my lap and if I don't pay any attention to him he goes to my wife and do the same to her, then throws it to me and I have to do it anyway. Kongs are great I will always have one in the house.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Parker's Dad

When we took Parker for his first check-up, our vet recommended that we get him the small kong and suggested that we stuff it with peanut butter or marshmallows. We chose to use marshmallows (we found that the small marshmallows are easier to stuff), and give it to him at bedtime. Now when he's ready for bed, he goes to the bedroom and finds his kong, then drops it at our feet! He refuses to go to sleep without it!!

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