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Exercising with your Cairn

Amber and the zoo

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I have made a commitment to myself to lose 30 pounds...like before I had a baby! :) The last 2 weeks I have lost 11 pounds doing really good exercises and counting calories. I want to include the pups in this, now. I know they say...if you want a dog that will jog 10 miles with you, don't get a Cairn...but I was wondering if it would be okay to jog with them 1 or 2+ miles. They have soooooooooooo much energy and I just wondered if it would be too much for their legs. I'm not planning on sprinting by any means...just a nice easy jog. Right now they think the 5 lb orange weights I use are toys and constantly jump while I'm doing my workout! lol.


We're the Cairns of America

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I took Jeffree (6 1/2 month old male) on a 4 mile walk and he was ahead of me the whole way. I walk brisk, not quite a jog, but I don't think it would of mattered to him. I noticed he was getting tired out the last 1/2 mile though, as he kept looking up at me as if to say "are we there yet?" Of course that could have been just as much a look to say "where's my treat for doing so good?"

I became a dog person AFTER I got my dog.


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I ve taken angel for a mile jog she did okay...i dont take scotty b/c he is every where tries to make me fall :devil:


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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