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Piper has figured out the BELLS. It started yesterday. Smack the bells and you get to go outside, do your business, and get a treat. Today he is taking it to EXTREMES <_< . In the last hour he has hit the bells no less than 5 times, about 20 so far today. But at 4 months you don't dare call his bluff.

Little rotter walks up to the door, smacks the bells, and turns to look at you like "Lady - would you get the door please". :twisted:

Other than 3 times to do his business - the rest have been just to see whats going on outside. He doesn't get a treat unless he does "something".

Brad - whats a poor doorman to do?? Do I have to ditch the bells already?? He will go to the door but doesn't bark or signal in any other way that he needs to go out. So if your back is turned - your outta luck and left to clean up a mess. :oops:

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I bell trained Will and he went through a phase where he played that game with me. I almost gave up on the bell thing but am so glad I stuck with it. It is very reassuring to know if I get busy and he needs out I will get a little jingle to alert me of his need to go out. He only does it now if he really has to go out. I still make him ring it everytime before we actually go out so he doesn't forget what it is for.

P.S. It's such a great "show off" thing too! I am still always so proud when I tell him - "ring the bell" prior to exiting and he does it as if he understands english.... Especially since he doesn't understand the word "come" as part of the language... :)

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You are officially a "doorman/lady" now!!! :P

My Piper is the same way, although he is now almost 4 years old. He LOVES being outside.

My advice for now, I would continue letting him go out when he "rings". And, NO treat unless he does "somethin'".

Four months is still pretty young, so, I would give him a little more time.

Just my 2 cents.....


Cathy and Piper

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Heh. We started referring to our bell as the "butler pull" after Barley began using it to summon us to the door, whereupon she would trot over to the treat drawer in the kitchen with a "follow me" look over her shoulder. We stopped using the bell. Between four dogs and squirrel season, our house would sound like a pinball game if we used a bell.

I might suggest taking the bell up for a period during the day when you want some peace. In order to not unlearn his recently acquired skill, I'd crate him during that time. He might learn that the bell is effective, but using it repeatedly leads to nap time instead of play time. I do believe they go through a phase of exercising any new trick they learn for no other reason than they can.

Also, what CathyAnn said. The bell might open the door, but only 'business' earns a treat.

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.......that's why I got a dog door inserted for Fergus. I guess I'm lazy :whistle:

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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......that's why I got a dog door inserted for Fergus. I guess I'm lazy

Me too :thumbsup:

If they try to go out the 'people' door hubby always tells them to use their own door.

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