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Peek A Boo!

Darcy's Folks

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I just find this absolutely hilarious! I'm sure some of your Cairns do this same thing of pushing up a blind just so that they can peek out a window to gruff, growl, or bark at whoever is outside! Bailey doesn't seem to care so much about peeking out of windows.

Note: In the first picture, to the left of Darcy's legs is the section of our window sill that is "chewed" away. Darcy did this when she was 6 months old. Thankfully this is the ONLY damage she ever did to the house. She's now 2.

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Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Gosh don't ya just love them! Cairns are so very entertaining to me. Love your photos, thanks for sharing. Linda

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Way too cute ! Thanks for posting them......I have just about floor to ceiling vertical blinds. The dogs love looking out them, there is two rows of continual "dirty" spots on the blinds, one is Toby's height and then a foot or so above that is the "drool line" from my boxer !!!

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Too cute!! They really are sticky beaks aren't they - just have to see whats going on. :D

I have a blind that goes to floor at my front door and every morning I pull it up to dog head height to stop them breaking it as they check out whats going on out front.

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Now that's what I call spying on the neighbors... HA!

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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How cute~~Ellie has successfully shredded the blinds to our picture window. She couldn't get underneath them so she climbed THROUGH! these stinking dogs!!! I knew they would cost a lot for upkeep but I was thinking, food, vet bills, toys, etc...not mini blinds!!! lol :)


We're the Cairns of America

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Darcy is a born detective! Those are really cute pictures.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Cute picture! When Scout was a puppy, we always had her crate by our bedroom window, with the blinds up, so she could see the "world" when we were gone.

I had a hard time keeping my electric candle (at Christmas time) in my window because Scout and Finch would knock it down every time the mailman came!

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That's just too adorable. The only blinds I have are on the kitchen door, so my two can't get to them to look out; however, we have a chair sitting in front of the living-room window, and Ellie will hop up on the back of the chair to get to the window-sill, which is plenty wide enough for here to sit in it. She'll sit there and bark at any dogs or people she sees out on the street. Usually when we return from shopping or whatever, we'll see Ellie sitting in the window, looking for our return.


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That's a Cairn for you!

They don't like to miss a thing :lol:


It has often been said if you have a Cairn Terrier in your home for a year you will have one for the rest of your life

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Too true. I've noticed Ellie has to be in the thick of things all the time. My Scottie, Black Lady, has her own agenda; she's not that interested in what we do, but Ellie is a whole different story!


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sheila and Misty

Thats soo cute! I love memory pictures like that -I still have my blanket we bought in mexico with a 4x4 hole chewed in it from my last cairn. I wouldnt part with that for nothing..oh sentimental me! thanks for sharing.

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