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From the top of the class to the bottom...

Barney's Mom

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OK, Saturday, Barney graduated from Dog Training with flying colors. He got "best dog in the class" for sit-stay, down-stay, re-call, and loose leash walking. The loose leash test was a joke because the only reason he didn't pull was because I was holding a small ball on a plastic spoon in my leash hand. If we drop the ball because of pulling that voids the test. Well, Barney pranced along like a prince because he had his eyes glued to the ball I was holding on the spoon!

Enter next candidate...a pug named Stitch. Stitch failed miserably, but after his test, he got a hold of that pretty little ball that Barney was hyper-focused on! Well, you would have thought that Stitch had taken Barney's prize posession.... Barney goes balistic and starts a barage of barking that would curl your toes! The whole class just stopped and stared at his rampage toward Stitch. It went on and on and I tried to settle him, then Barney snapped at me. I marched his sorry little bum outside and made him sit with that same bum glued to the gravel for a couple of minutes. That helped a bit, but did not help my embarassment for his maniac behavior...Sigh......

Everyone was quite impressed with his smarts, but ready to expel him after his outbursts.....

My dear Barney has some serious issues.... :confused:

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Well darn at least he has what it take to get to the top ..lol just have to work on that temper, when someone steals your prize possession. If I were Barney I would have nipped his butt. Good thing I'm not a doggie huh! :twisted:

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Oh boy how embarrassing... Oh well, at least he got top of class, proves he can do some things good. Now you just have to teach him that not everything belongs to him :P

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I will admit that our little pug, Hammurabi, can push the buttons of any of my Cairns, especially Sugar. Your Barney was just being a Cairn. Once we learn to speak dog and know all of the doggie sign language we will be able to get them quite but for now we just gotta love em



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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