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Happy Birthday Barney!

Barney's Mom

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Well, this birthday announcement is a bit late! I had the whole post composed, along with pictures, on his birthday, but just as I got it done, my internet application crashed and I lost the whole thing! Then it took me a while to get it done again. Computers!!

Anyway, Barney dog turned a year old this past weekend! He got a nice ball for his birthday. I am, um, afraid there are no pictures of his birthday present. He destroyed it in an afternoon.... I got him this giant tennis ball that I thought would be big enough so he could roll it around with his nose but not crush it in his jaws. HA! He had the thing cracked in a matter of minutes.

Why do I buy toys????? I might as well just flush the money down the toilet!

Here is a baby picture of Barney, then a photo of him on his birthday, doing a lovely "down and stay"!

Can't you just see the mischief in those little eyes?????


The birthday boy on his big day!


All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Forgot to say, Barney weighed almost 21 pounds on his birthday! He's a haus!! B)

All creatures great and small, the Lord God, He made them all!

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Happy birthday Barney, your a big boy now. :party:

I can't believe you get up to as much mischief as your mum says, you look like such a well behaved pup.

Why do I buy toys?????
Cos you love him so much :thumbsup:
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Happy Birthday Barney! Izzy will be one on the 21st.. time has flown!

:party: kasey, izzy and ollie

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WOOF! Eli, here. Happy birthday, big guy! :king: And many more. I got a birthday comin' up soon. 'Member last year the stupid Alpha B forgot and I didn't get anything??? :mad: She better not pull that stunt again. Maybe I should just do like she does and just go buy myself what I want. I'll be TWO! Isn't that old enough for a credit card????

Anyway, now that you are ONE, Barney; they are gonna expect you to act a little more mature. I know, I know; that's just dumb Uprights for ya. But it might be a good idea to play along with some of their dumb rules. It let's 'em think they are in charge. We know the truth! ;)

Rock on, Barney! :D


Eli B)

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Happy Birthday Barney!!!


A puppy kiss from Ellie and Gracie :)

Enjoy your day!!!


We're the Cairns of America

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Happy Birthday Barney!!!


A puppy kiss from Ellie and Gracie :)

Enjoy your day!!!


We're the Cairns of America

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Oops!!! Posted that twice!!! Well, twice the puppy kisses then!!!


We're the Cairns of America

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Happy Birthday Barney!!!! I remember when your upsright first came on the forum, I sometimes doubted we would be celebrating your first birthday....this makes your day even more special!!!!! I bet tearing up that ball was fun, better that than the uprights belongings!

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Happy Birthday Barnsters.... :) Hope it was fantastic :)

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah
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Hope you had a fantastic birthday Barney! Here's wishing you many, many more.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Happy Birthday Barney! Just a warning - the uprights will be putting a few more demands on you to act more grown up. Crazy I know, but I just went through it myself. I went along with the demands and now my upright lets me loose in the house during the day while she is it work, so it is worth it! Enjoy tearin up the b-day presents!


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Happy Birthday!!! from Nikki, Brendan, Angel Vanora, and Scotty Finlay


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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His coloring doesn't look like it's changed all that much! Gorgeous color!!! Don't you miss the puppy moments... if only for a few minutes?!?!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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