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Cricket postholing through 15" of snow


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Gosh that is DEEP snow :shock:

It's not going to stop a very determined little girl though :lol:

Cricket is soo cute :wub: she looks just like my little Lucy who has passed to the bridge


It has often been said if you have a Cairn Terrier in your home for a year you will have one for the rest of your life

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Those look like pictures you would see on a calendar. Beautiful! Ellie loves to do this too...We had a couple feet of snow, however 1/2 of it melted this past week creating some new "MUDDY" experiences for Ellie too. Who doesn't love muddy puppy prints all over their freshly waxed hardwood floor. :D


We're the Cairns of America

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People here at work seldom see me smile...but if I do it's usually because of

the pictures I see and the topics I read on this forum.

Cricket is just beautiful, and determined as a Cairn can be. (What snow? This is fun!)

Thanks for sharing.

Max and Nelly

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You took wonderful pictures of Cricket! I especially love the last picture.

Did you have to clear a spot for Cricket to go to the bathroom?

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these pictures were taken on our daily hike in the woods. I got out my snowshoes last weekend and flattened a path for Cricket because the snow is very deep and in some places had drifted to 3ft. She has a path to follow so she doesn't have to clod through the deep snow. But she insists on taking her own way for part of the hike. I don't mind because it tires her out. She also likes to burrow under the snow and she disappears except for her cute little rump sticking out.

The back fenced in area in our yard has been cleared for potty areas, paths to run and 2 huge snow mountains to jump up on and play king of the mountain.

Don't worry...she has places to pee and poop. :P

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Postholing ? What in heavens name is that ? Love the way the fur shows movement on that last pic........it's like you can see the fur movement in a still pic !

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Great shots!


P.S. We are in the market for a new camera. May I ask which you chose? Thanks!

Cathy and Piper

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