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:halo: I have finally found others who understand how I feel about my little friend, Zoe!

Hi everyone! I'm new, obviously, to this board. But I'm so glad that I found it. I am a first-time Cairn owner of Zoe, a beautiful wheaten pup who is 7 months old. I've wanted one since I was young, but we've always adopted from the local animal shelter. We've always had big dogs, still do, actually. But my husband finally relented and let me get a Cairn. He's the first to admit, she is the coolest little dog he's ever encountered. B)

I've spent the last couple of days reading posts on this board, and I'm amazed that we all have similar stories to tell about our little friends. Zoe is a big dog in a compact body. She doesn't back down from anything, even the cows out back! She's my constant shadow in the house, and relentless when she wants attention. She "talks" to me all the time, which always makes me smile. She can be the orneriest little "turd", but so loving, how can I stay mad? She is so quick to apologize when she accidentally nips one of us when playing. :shy:

She's such a huge source of joy to me, I can't explain to my "non-Cairn" friends and family because they just don't get it. She's more than a dog, more than a companion, she's part of my life.

Sorry to ramble here. I'm looking forward to learning more about this wonderful dog that we've all chosen. I'm looking forward to getting to know you, too! :)

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Our "little turd" is a red brindle, named Abe (short for Abraham). My husband(dad of Abe) keeps up with the board better then I do, but we have found it a wonderful source of information and just enjoy the similarities that apparently all Cairn owners experience. Abe too is 7 months old he was born on June 12.

Nice to meet you, and best of luck to you and Zoe. :D

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When we first saw Wes, it was love at first sight. He looked like he was meant to be with us. So without discussing the transaction with my husband who was right there, I put down a non-refundable deposit.

My husband was stunned. "A mouse! We're going to have a mouse for a pet!" He was used to BIG dogs.

He no longer thinks of Wes as a mouse. Wes acts like a mischievous little kid!

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Dear Wheezie, you are one of US you have been smitten with the Cairn Terrier bug-in the form of this little bundle of joy called Zoe. You will never be the same now that you have this little creature and miss it like crazy if it stays overnight at the vets. But wishes of warmth and joy come your way for you and your Zoe.

Posey :)

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Welcome!! Piper (9 months old) is our second Cairn. My husband bought her for my birthday in June since we lost our other Cairn, Lucy, to kidney failure at age 14 in April. They are the most amazing little animals. I was told by someone when our fist Cairn was a pup that once you own a Cairn, you will always own a Cairn!! Truer words were never spoken!! They are the most loyal, intelligent, loving dogs, truly a big dog in a little dog's body!! :wub:

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Hello and welcome!!! I have a 10 month old named Riley - - and am also a first time Cairn owner. My lil guy is a special needs pup having been born with a liver shunt. He was operated on at 5 months of age - - was in critical care for several days - - but is now thriving and a ball of energy!! I have discovered that this puppy only gets better with age!! He is intensely loyal and loving - - I have come to find out that this is the nature of a Cairn. Good luck with your little dog - - may all good things come your way!

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Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome! :hug: You're right, I have been bitten by the Cairn bug and it's an incurable condition! I have never been so smitten by an animal, and believe me, I love animals. You should see my computer station here at work -- she's on my desktop, my screen saver, and I have a framed photo of her! And you are so right, when I'm away from her, or when she was at the vet to be spayed, well, I was horribly lonely. :(

Zoe loves to sleep on my pillow. It's not so much me that she wants, it's my feather pillow! I've tried giving her a different one, but she always ends up right back up by my head! I may have to give in and get a new pillow for me and give her mine! Any one else have this happen? :surrender:

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Its great seeing the happiness from all these Cairn owners. I have 3. Annie, Jack, and Rusty. Annie and Jack are 7, and 10 months. Rusty is 10 years. These guys are wonderful. It can take extra patience but it is worthwhile. They are the smartest, most playful, and heartyist guys. These little terriers are awesome. All terriers are awesome, but the Cairns are unique.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woohoo... I am normal!!!

I am completely smitten by my cairn. She is 3 months old and I lovingly refer her as my baby! I just can't get enough of her. I show anyone who will look my way at work her picture.

They laugh, because I have pictures of her first bath, her first snow... etc. I start to get antsy to leave work so I can come home to her. I also hate when people invite me over to their house, because I hate to leave her.

My big problem is the money I am spending on her... I constantly see another toy she just HAS to have.

I can't see ever having a different kind of dog.

She is the best. :)

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I am a 20 year old guy so of course I am not obsessed with my Cairn Terrier. I like stuff like cars 'Honestly' :whistle: (am i convincing anyone). Ok its true at first I had reserves as i wasnt struck on getting a dog but my Girlfriend talked me into it. and thats when we got Amalee. I have never owned or met a dog with such a great personality and she is soooo cute.

I kinda felt I had to get that out there.

Thanks David

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