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Adding another puppy?!

Amber and the zoo

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Dan brought up the idea a couple weeks ago that maybe we should get Ellie a little playmate. I, of course, was extremely excited and amused at how much he has fallen for these Cairns!! We want to add another puppy to fill our lives and keep us busy. I'm hoping the new one bonds to me a little bit more!!! lol We have been doing alot of research (and searching on here) about adding another puppy and issues that can surface, etc. We have contacted 3 different breeders now. Ellie's breeder has been a little upsetting with follow-up information so we have decided to go with a new breeder. We are going to visit two of the litters this week. The pups are only a month so it will still be a while before we can take a puppy home, but we want to get to know our breeder and the parents a little better this time around. What age was your dog when you decided to add another puppy? Do you think it's easier to add a puppy when the dog is older or younger? Thanks in advance everyone!



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Amber, we adopted Finch when Scout was a little over 2 years old. I think this is a great age because the older dog is more mature and you don't have to "train" two dogs at the same time. We had to be careful when they were first introduced (because of size differences) but they became best buddies quickly.

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I agree that two years is a good age to add a second dog. That allows the first dog time to be special, to mature a bit, and to be well trained - preferably formally trained. Puppies are a lot of work and two puppies, or a puppy plus an adolescent is A LOT of work.

Likewise having multiple geriatric dogs.

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We are in no real hurry to get another pup, but it sure is an exciting feeling. It's great this time to be able to be part of the breeding process...well as much as possible...lol :)


We're the Cairns of America

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I agree w/ Shoe and Brad about a 2 yr age gap. Kiara and Abbey are 2 /12 yrs apart, but Abbey and Hannah are only 6 mths apart. It's fine now, but Abbey wasn't quite ready to give up her position as "baby" when Hannah came home and had to be retrained to potty outside. Hannah was 2 1/2 when we brought yet another pup home. It's working out like I had hoped. Hannah and the Westie pup have turned into best buddies. Kiara and Abbey were always closer, sometimes leaving Hannah out of play. Now Hannah has her own playmate.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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We got Chase a little brother at 1 yr old. They have the same mom and dad, just a different litter. Chase taught Gus the ropes.

See the video.... :lol:

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

-Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

Chase and Gus video

Youtube- Best of Chase and Gus

Cairn Terrierists

It's because cats simply can't be trusted for heavy lifting & dirty work required in the war on terrior.

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We are still discussing and decided when we will buy another one. We go and visit a breeder tonight...just to see what his set up is like, etc. He has a pretty long waiting list for these pups so it's not going to be an impulse buy! As I look around this site, I see so many puppies that are close in age in the same household so that is why we were considering this age. I'm just excited to see his breeding stock. They have 100s of awards, etc and it's neat to see how different breeders handle things.

Aurora...that video was great!!! You have two doggie stars!!! You must be super proud!!!


We're the Cairns of America

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Two years is great advice. I just couldn't wait that long. I got Bernie from the breeder when he was 7 1/2 months. Jeter was 13 months. I didn't see any regression in Jeter as far as potty training. The only thing I will say is that I think Jeter blows me off a little more when I call him in from out back. That could just be the stubborn cairn in him. I also think Jeter gets a little jealous of his little brother. Because of this, I make it a point to give them individual attention every day.

I would keep an eye on them while one is a lot smaller than the other. Once you know how they do together and there isn't a big weight difference, you will probably be able to leave them alone for short periods at first. I didn't need to wait long because Bernie was already 7 1/2 months when we got him. Enjoy having two. It is so much fun watching them play and enjoy each other's company.

Jetersmom(and Bernie's)

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We have been fortunate. Digger was 9 months old when we got Jazz. Jazz was already a year old, and had hoped to be a show dog, but dental issues prevented that. Digger taught Jazz the ropes of our household and Jazz puts Digs in his place when he is being a raving puppy. However, the change in Digger has been amazing. Digger was more like a cat, and didn't like to be made over, but Jazz loves lovey time. Now Digs has become more loving.

They took to eachother so well, and act like they've been together their whole lives. They are nearly inseperable. I'm so grateful that we made the choice for Digger and for Jazz.

Good luck on your decision.

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Thanks! It's good to hear both sides of things! I want Ellie to have a doggie friend too...all the multiples doggie owners around here tell such great stories!


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Well, we went to the breeders tonight. He is incredible! The dogs are beautiful and he is definitely an enthusiast :) I got to hold a 2 week old Cairn puppy. He was so sweet...just slept in my hand. I also got to meet a 10 week old female who was beautiful. She had some really funky coloring...She was almost a black color with redish "highlights". Gorgeous dogs! Anyways, it was alot of fun. He showed us his show ring and grooming rooms, etc. We got to see where the puppies are whelped, etc. Very awesome.


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Scruffy was 14 mons when we added Sparky. My husband and I wouldboth tell you these have absolutely been the best times of our lives and hopefully years to come. Scruff was very secure when we brought Sparky home and I always do something special with Scruff ever single day. They are close enuff in age that all they do is play and training Sparks has been a breeze (althought he is in obedience school and Scruff is in a more advanced secondary class) I am a firm beleiver in training, as we (the pups and I) do not look at training as work but as a special fun time together. Scruff thinks Sparky is all hers and her maternal instincts are very evident. She loves the pup and I make an effort to separate them for a few hours daily.

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