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Potty Training

Molly's mom

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Hi, this is Molly's mom again. Thanks to everybody who gave me advice on the two puppies scenario. We decided to go with one puppy. ... and her name is Maggie.

It has been 8 years since I potty trained a puppy. Maggie is not getting it. It may be too soon for me to worry about this but my father died yesterday and now I am going to have to pack her up and drive two hours to take care of funeral arrangements etc.

My concern is this. Maggie likes to eat her stools. Molly did not do this that I am aware of. I do the mommy shake and growl and at that moment she does not go back to it, but when I take her out to go later, she runs full speed to clean up anything that might be left. She is eating her puppy food so I know she is not hungry. I am trying to keep it cleaned up, but they are not hard stools and therefore there is always residue. First, why does she want to do this and second is there a trick to stopping his?

We have had numerous accidents in the house but just as many successes outside. So I think overall she is doing okay, she is just not picking it up as quick as our Molly did. I know every dog is diferent, so I am figuring it will just take her longer.

Can you offer any advice?

The resource I am using for training instructions is "Dogs for Dummies" this is the same book that I used with Molly, eight years ago.


First, I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your dad. My condolences to you.

I am by no means a good one for training, but, you need to not compare her to Molly. Each pet is different.

Some train faster than others. Training takes time,, it does not happen over night. Puppys need potty brreaks often.

Lots of going outside so they pick up that going outside is to do bussiness. Eating stools well the only advice on that is too clean up fast. What are you feeding Maggie? Also is she being crate trained?

Works well when you can't watch her every minute and to not get in trouble or have accidents. I think I took Kramer out every 30-40 minutes to go out potty when he was a puppy. I know its not easy, there puppys and they do not know any better. It is up to us, to train them to go outside poop/potty. Just imagine if you went with two puppies!

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial


First I am sorry to hear about your Dad :confused: My sympathies to you and your family.

It sounds like pretty typical house training pains to me. As for the stool eating if I ever figure out how to curb this I will be rich! I have 5 dogs at the present time and they ALL do it in varying severities........yucky. There are alot of products out there that supposedly help with this the problem itself is called coprophagia. (spelling?) Anyways you might look into some of those.

Keep doing what you are doing, house training can take a long time. Some things that may help you (if you aren't already doing them)

Keep your puppy on a regular feeding schedule, you will have a better idea of when she needs to go outside.

Crate training~helps a lot

Tether her to you with a leash so she can't get away and do some secret poopy.


You will get there!! And good luck!


I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your father, I'm sure Maggie will be a loving distraction and will offer you all of her furry compansionship to help ease your pain.

The joys of potty training.... I think it honestly took mine until they were about 9 months old before the lightbulb really went off for them... it will happen - as far as the poop eating - well she's little - maybe it's experimental.... HA! For loose stools though a teaspoon of pumpkin will help harden up so clean up isn't so challenging for you - (providing of course that it's not a loose stool problem due to parasites/doggie bug).

Hollie Edelbrock & Brystal Sonoma
Chris, Stacy and Little Noah

Sympathies to you and your family.

On the issue of potty training, I have a Cairn book (Cairn Terriers, Barron's) that happily announces that most cairns are fully house training by the age of two!!! Hopefully it won't take that long. Mine are now there at 9 months.

As for eating waste products - adding some garlic to their food has seemed to stop mine.

Good luck with the training.




I feel what your going through with your puppy. I have 2 cairn puppies Angel she is 8 months and Scotty he is 5 mines.

Angel is like 90% potty trained. Scotty has had a difficult time but since puttin him in a class and using the clicker training he have had some success. It has been baby steps but it is improvement.


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

sheila and Misty

our sympathy as well to you and yours -

As for the poo eating problem -Misty dives on them too! I have just reacently been showing her a poo colored (beef or liver) soft chew in trade and she is starting to leave them alone . as soon as she is in I run out and remove it! or dribble listerine on them and she hates that smell do to a bad experience last month with an icebreaker mint ball.

try both lotsa luck! its a toug habit to break since they learned it from their mothers -the breeding area puppy clean up.


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