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Can you think like a Cairn ?


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OK, my progressive Titanium glasses with magnetic sunglasses have gone MIA...I've looked, can't find them, but now I'm pretty sure they have been stolen and hid. But where ??

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We shake out all blankets, starting with the ones in the crate. Step two is between chair and couch cushions and step 3 is under chairs and couches:)

Of course the last "valuable" in my house to go missing was my husband's bluetooth cell phone hands-free. Currey loved to steal it when it was left in accessible places, so when it went missing, we checked all of his hiding places. 2 months later (and about 2 weeks after I bought DH a new one for xmas) it showed up...at the bottom of his computer bag! Poor puppy got all the blame for a silly forgetful human!

Best of luck finding em....

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Funny that this should come up......but this morning just before leaving for work...my son found my Mothers glasses in Izzie's Lair.

The Lair is a corner under the dinning room table that is only easily accessable by the cat and Izzie. Dottie is too big to get under there and as far as the cat is concerned.....he is simply too cool to bother with this little upstart in our household. Izzie usually retreats here with forbidden objects, as by the time we uprights get down on our knees and have climbed under the table and moved chairs...she can bolt and we will never be able to get out in time catch her.

:devil: Clever girl.

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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OK, my progressive Titanium glasses with magnetic sunglasses have gone MIA...I've looked, can't find them, but now I'm pretty sure they have been stolen and hid. But where ??

Oh not a good sign..... I have a pair of transisitions RX glasses with tooth marks on the lenses.... I hope this turns out for you!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Try looking behind curtains thats where I found mine without a lense,

dont hold out hope of finding them in one peice!

good luck :confused: ,Binky


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I think they were buried in my bed ! I'm the queen of pillows, nice hiding place I guess. They did survive, a little tweaked, but basically intact, thank heaven, I can see again !

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Your own, or someone else's pillow? I can always tell in my household who is the current favorite when we find chewies and toys under that person's pillows. Right now I'm the favorite. Two weeks ago it was my husband.

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My pillows ! All the pillows are MINE ! Smiles, I single, and very happy that way. Toby does like going on dates with me. Nice way to judge men is how they react to my puppy :)

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