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Romping in the Snow


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Well, I finally got my wish - we got 3 inches of snow in Portland and it has just started coming down again. Currey was slated to see his first "real" snow when we went skiing later this week, but he got a head start on it! I realized a short while ago that I moved here nearly 2 years ago and my husband moved here over 3 years ago, and we never noticed that neither of us moved any snow shovels with us! I used to keep one in the trunk of my car in Chicago and have no clue where it went when I moved!

Currey's only ever seen a dusting of snow before today. He went WILD. He's been squawking at the back door for the past hour since I brought him in. He discovered that the little pond in the backyard is totally frozen over - something I didn't know, and he sure gave me a BIG scare when he walked out on it!

Here's two pictures of his snow romp...he literally zoomed around the yard non-stop for 20 - 30 minutes.



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Oh is he ever enjoying himself! Well, here in Chicago we recieved a dusting! The ground had some cover and Kramer loves it, he takes his nose and burrows across the yard. I think you need the shovels more so where you live now than in Illinois. We have had basically one good snow fall and that was it! Kramer loves the snow and so do I.

Enjoy the snow and romp around for us here in Illinois :thumbsup:

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Cairns love snow :wub:

We have not had any yet so far this winter in the UK. Wish it would snow so I could see Gem's reaction. She gets all excited when we just have a frost on the grass, bless her :wub:


It has often been said if you have a Cairn Terrier in your home for a year you will have one for the rest of your life

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I love those pics! Especially the second one! Looks like it should be in a calendar for "January" :)


We're the Cairns of America

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Ah, love both the pics, but the second one is "it". For some strange reason, I just love to watch these dogs run. When Toby is on a good run, I just sit and watch and admire the "style" he has and the way his fur moves.

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Looks like he had a blast.

Poor Tabitha has only gotten to see light snow once in her Eight years.

2 years ago it snowed here in Houston on Christmas Day.

Unfortunately my Husband's father passed away during surgery Christmas Eve. We think Tommy (hubby's dad) sent the snow from Heaven to let us know he was ok :crybaby:

Teona came home a few days after Christmas so she missed the snow.

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Snow? What is that? Here in Alabama we never get any of that. (sigh) Darcy has no idea what snow is.

Looks like he's just having a ball in the gorgeous white stuff!!! Love the pics.

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We finally had snow here in Indiana, and my dogs had a ball playing in it yesterday. Normally we have a lot more snow than this. So far we've had all of two inches this winter.


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Aww! That is adorable! We live in Joplin, Mo. and we did get some weather...mainly ice but Penny still loved it! I will soon have some pictures posted of her!


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Jack saw some snow this morning too (ok, so mainly it was sleet and ice, but hey, we'll take what we can get!)! He went out to potty and looked at me as if to say "Wow Mom! I love this!".

It was really cute....that makes 2 times in his 5 years he's seen anything close to snow. :mellow:

Jack's Mom
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I love to see the pictures of the Cairns in the snow! Both of those pics are great. Here in Philly we finally got the cold - I'd settle for some snow showers. I hate shoveling the stuff but I know Scully's looking forward to her romps whenever it gets here.

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