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Woof! Eli here.......


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I have been busy! The Alpha B had something wrong with one of her lower paws, so she had to go to the vet and get it fixed. This is just one of the hazards of owning a human, these unexpected events and expenses can pop up. Good thing I have insurance on her. I do recommend health insurance for your humans. Especially once they get over the hill. Anyway, she has a BIG hard white thing on her paw and she is not allowed to stand on it and is confined to her crate. I gotta make sure she has plenty of human toys and that she is not bored. I try to make sure she gets plenty of attention, even when she doesn't want it. We Cairns know you can't have too much attention! Oh, and I gotta let her rub my belly, cuz humans thrive on affection. I have even been attending to her medical needs, like trying to keep those pins sticking out of her toes clean. If you know what I mean (slurp). I know her vet appreciates my efforts in that department!

I have been doing all this and continuing to keep any and all lions and tigers and bears away from my property. So that's why I haven't been on the computer lately. I trust all of you are working hard to keep up the CUR traditions in my absence. The Alpha B can be a real pain to take care of sometimes, but I love her so I will do what it takes. I'll keep y'all posted!



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Hi Eli,

I hope your Alpha B feels better soon! Take her outside and let her eat some grass. That always makes me feel better!

It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job taking care of your Alpha while she is hurt. Are you letting her sleep on the bed with you? I hear they like that...

I have been trying to keep up the CUR events in your absence but MY Alpha B is putting me through this STUPID training class to try and make me obedient. She wants me to sit and stay and heel and all this other TOTALLY uncool stuff. Why????? Sometimes these uprights just make me scratch my head. I will never understand them. I need some pointers on what to do about this.

Anyway, we missed you while you were gone and hope that your human recovers soon so that we can resume the CUR training. I think I am getting soft... I have actually been sitting in her lap. OH THE SHAME OF IT ALL!!!!!!!

Savannah B)

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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I'm sorry your Alpha B is hurting. Those humans just really take advantage of our kind nature sometimes don't they??? I guess you COULD be really nice and instead of doing your poops outside do them inside this way she won't have to walk so far to pick them up. THAT should be very kind, don'tcha think??

I've been on the barkingmyheadoffallday regime all day. The old lady Alpha that lives here is getting annoyed but hey - it keeps Grandma's heart ticking, ya know?

My mommy's vet did some kind of operation - I think they call it - on her knee a little while ago. I used to jump up on her leg and lay "just right" on that leg to keep it warm. She'd make this funny noise like she had something stuck in her paw when I did that. I'm not THAT heavy. Then I'd use it as like a diving board to jump off. I'm not quite sure why she would yell like somebody bit her or something when I did that. Sheesh! Try and do a good thing for these Uprights.

Lots of lick to your Upright - I hope she feels better.

Carry on!


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Thanks, Unky Bradl and Savannah. I WILL take the Alpha B out for some grass. It sure wouldn't hurt! Actually, I am surprised she hasn't chewed that big white thing off her paw. I sure woulda by now. I will continue to keep a close eye on her. She might just do that. You never know WHAT they might do. And I think they have trouble expressing themselves when they are in pain, tho I have heard a few of those funny words I used to hear when I was being "potty trained." She does seem kinda crabby today so maybe it's time for some of those special "treats" her vet gave her. Then I will entertain her like I do every nite. You know, inside and outside, WOOFWOOFWOOF!, repeat, repeat, repeat. She likes that!



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Alfie here!

Don't worry, Eli, the CUR movement lives on here in my neck of the woods. You go take care of the Alpha B like a good boy because sooner or later when that big white thing comes off she'll be getting back at you if you did something wrong. You have a good 6 or 8 weeks, I take it? Yup....that's not a long time even if it sounds like it...those Uprights sure know how to spring back to normal pretty quickly....WOOF! (((Salute)))

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Eli's Alpha 'B' Sorry to hear about your foot- Was it corrective surgery? or did you have an accident?

Pins are the worst! the itching... oh the itching!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Hi Eli, you make sure you look after your Alpha B cos she's probably still in charge of all the treats. Keep up the good work cleaning those pins it'll save her the bother of doing it. If she starts chewing that big white thing on her foot you could get the vet to put one of those lampshade things on her - stopped my sister chewing her feet when she had her dew claws removed.

BTW I did real good in scaring that rat away from its home in the fence...it must have realised I meant business. My dads happy now cos I don't stand there barking anymore, I'll have to find something else to bark at now.



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Woof! Eli, here! The Alpha B is still crabby so I will answer on her behalf. She tells me everything. Her "foot vet" says she has a "plethora of podiatric pathology." BWAHAHA! Don't you just love a funny doctor? So she said "fix it and give me a panopoly of potent pain pills!" Those uprights can be so funny sometimes. So anyway, the Alpha B had it done and now she is in the care of a 92 year old dude and 2 teen-alien boys. That is why I gotta take care of her. Those three are virtually useless. The older than dirt dude can't do much. The older teen-alien purloined her previously purchased Prius under the guise of "running errands" and has been cruising around the county chatting continuously on his Blue Tooth. The other marginally helpful teen-alien found and consumed the Alpha B's stash of nuts and candy, which she had hidden to ward off starvation in the VERY LIKELY event that no one was around to make her a STINKIN HAM SAMMICH!

I have offered to share my Canidae and bully sticks, but sometimes those Three Stooges forget to feed me and give me water. Needless to say, the Alpha B is not too please with the lot of them. But I am doing my best. Oops! I hear some griping and whining from the Alpha's crate! Must be time for some more of those special "treats" from the foot vet.



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Alfie here again! Woof! Sounds like you have nothing to worry about Eli since the 3 Uprights seem to have started a CUR-ish thing of their own. That takes the Alpha B's attention away from you. Those teen aliens are something. We have two here, a male and female. I hear the female one keeps on going over her phone texting limit...what's up with that? Do they lose their talking skills when they become teenagers? Can't they pick up the phone and do a regular chat? Anyway....be careful of picking up treats from the Alpha B, sounds like she's bought the whole pharmacy, she might mistakenly slip you one of those pills......

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Woof! You-know-who, here! Boy, that younger teen-alien is really dumb. The Alpha B was trying to 'splain what he needed to do for dinner, and he actually said, "You mean I have to cook dinner after WORKING all day??!!" Oh, boy, even I know that was a dumb thing to say. I am surprised he didn't get whacked with a newspaper and confined to his crate! But he makes me look good, right?


Eli B)

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Eli dude....I see a bit of compassion coming out of ya. Don't tell me you acutally love your alpha B even though she's on your case 24/7?

Is it possible you're remembering a certain surgical procedure you had done to ya at one of those medical houses? A big ouch, no?

Those youngsters need to be reminded that a dog house is not too far from their front door. Hang in there and keep making brownie points.

I'm proud of ya..


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Eli -

Try giving the Alpha B 2 of those special treats from the foot vet and maybe she will be less crabby... 2 treats are always better than one. Oh, and if she starts chewing on the white thing on her paw, try some bitter apple spray. They really don't like the taste of that stuff. I find this new nurturing side of you very enduring...


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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I am sending good wishes but have been so busy myself. My upright offspring has had a flu and a sinus fliction. He's felt so awful. I lay right on his chest to keep him warm all day since my Alpha B left for the horrible work. She goes no matter how sad I am or how sick the offspring is...I am going to find that work and dig out all the wires, then she will come home to stay. I hope your Alpha will be ok, maybe you can snuffle around to find her some snacks, teen-aliens leave crumbs.



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