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Trying to catch her "bug".


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I bought a laser pointer for Scout and Finch for Christmas. Now, before I show you, I DO NOT point the light at her eyes and I only play with the pointer for a few minutes a day.

I took a video of Finch trying to "catch" her bug. She is sitting inside the "toy box" trying to catch it. The video is hard to see because I used my digital camera. It's hard to see, but Finch is "licking" the light. :D


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I must be doing something wrong. When I clicked on the link I got something that said I had to sign in or sign up so I signed up. The video that came up as soon as I signed up was the Sadaam hanging. Dopey me watched the whole thing. Not good after dinner!

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Ummm, when I click on the link I got this warning,

"This video may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube's user community."

I thought, how funny, how could a Cairn chasing a laser light be inappropriate? Well, I clicked confirm to show the video, and it was of Saddam being hung. :o Although I know he was a terrible man, I quickly exited out and didn't view his hanging. That kind of stuff stays w/ me too long and takes forever for my mind to erase it.

Please check your link. I just bought one of those laser pointers today while grocery shopping. It was in the pet section and I thought it might be fun for the Cairns. I'll have to try it out later.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Too cute! I love how she just stays in the toy box and reaches for it. She almost looks cat-like!

Currey is a big fan of trying to catch the laser spot too. Whenever I pick up a pen or anything shaped like the laser pointer in the same fashion that you'd hold a laser pointer, he starts wagging his tail and looking around for the spot.

Shoe, perhaps you could edit your first post so no one else inadvertantly clicks on the wrong video like Scully's mom did???

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Jodi, I tried but you can't edit the first post...I've emailed Brad, and I'm hoping he can delete the whole thing. :blush:

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Whew.....thank you soooo much, Brad! I'm not sure what I did wrong, but I haven't even watched the horrible video, so I don't know how it got messed up...but thank you for fixing it!

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That was funny!

I have the same size container for *some* of Mett & Bratt's toys, but neither of them will hope in it to go 'shopping'..... :confused: I have to tip it on its side.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Scout and Finch will both jump inside the toy bin and pull out a favorite (for the hour) toy. Scout jumps right back out, but Finch just loves sleeping on top of her toys! It's been raining cats and cairns here so we have spent alot of time "running" for the "toy of the hour" in the basement. :confused:

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Funny stuff........we used to have a Rottweiler that was totally nuts about her laser pointer. My husband had it on his key chain so everytime he would pick up his keys she would begin hunting :ninja:

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Belle and Petey love the laser toy the best.....All you have to say is "toy" and they go nuts. I can stand on the 14ft high deck and run them all over the yard for excercise while I drink a cold one :whistle:

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