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HI I'm Colleen I'm 27 and been with my boyfriend Tim 4 years we have a 11 yr old boxer and recently added a cairn terrier named Cleo to the mix. She is 4 months old today and cute as can be. Shes very attached and very willfull. Shes teething now. any advice on her and the breed would be helpful.


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my sister in law has a 2yr boxer and my two cairns LOVE him!!! they actully wear the boxer out LMAO

they run through the house like a freakin hurrican



Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Hi Colleen - welcome! I would search the boards for any topic you have questions on - there are TONS of good information that was very helpful to me when Bruski was a puppy.

Teething is tough b/c they tend to bite alot. When Bruski started to do this, I immediately stuck a toy in his mouth and refused to play with him if he continued to bite my hands. You can also start the "No Bite" command and teach Cleo "Easy" or "Soft". Also, I bought a teething toy - you get the toy wet and then stick in the freezer and its supposed to help the puppy's gums, etc.

I hope potty training is going well - a crate really helps during the first few months at home.

Also, its common sense, but I find that puppies are much more well-behaved when they're tired - so plenty of activity and play time is a must for a Cairn puppy.

Good luck and congrats on your new Cairn - let us know if you have any specific questions.

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