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Made use of my Christmas present today!


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My new grooming table came in on Friday. I couldn't wait to get Tucker on it. Here are the before and after shots. Boy, it sure made grooming him so much easier, and my back doesn't hurt at all! I need to work on his tail a little bit, but I think I did a decent job.


and here is the after shot:


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Wow, Tucker looks great! You did a really nice job. I put Packy on the hot tub cover when I work on him. He can sit and watch the lake and the neighbors, so he behaves pretty well. I just started working on him yesterday, then it started raining. Today we only made it about 15 minutes -- I've got such a cold that I have to blow my nose every 5 minutes. That got real old outside trying to strip the little guy.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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How handsome Tucker looks you did great, I love my table makes things so easy


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Wow, Tucker does look great! Can you email or PM me where you got your table? With all of my dogs, it's defintely something I need to look into. Sitting on the floor to groom is killing my back!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Ohhhh... he looks wonderful! He looks so fluffy and soft... I wanna hold him close to me in bed and snuggle up!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Very nice job, he looks good!

I bought an extra noose for my table, it has an clip that locks it around the dogs neck..... very handy for those dogs who want nothing more than to get off the table.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Hubby got me one for Christmas, too!!

He bought an extra noose that is used for both head and body.


P.S. Thela.....please share your secret on how you worked the hair on Tucker's head.

Cathy and Piper

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Now you all have me interested in a grooming table. I have been hand stripping Will but without a table - looks like it would be much easier with a table. Any suggestions on a good choice of tables - I pulled it up on Google and there are hundreds of sites/choices. I'd love to hear some inputs from those of you that have them to save me some research....

Thanks in advance... Linda

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Wow, Tucker looks great! May I ask how long it took you to strip Tucker? I stripped Scout and her hair was very easy to take out (still need to touch her up). Finch is another story.....her hair is sooo hard to take out! She is sooooo hairy and she doesn't look like I have taken any hair off of her after over an hour of stripping. I would love to have mine look like Tucker!

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Tucker looks great. Everytime I think I have Mia looking good someone else posts a picture of a really nicely stripped Cairn! I can now see that Mia's legs look terrible. I wonder if an actually grooming table would help my efforts. DH ordered a noose and attached it to his workbench, it works fairly well, but I need a non-slip surface and I have no idea how tight to make the noose. I'm also intrigued by a tip to put a felt covered coffee can the dogs belly so it can't sit down. I'm going to try that too.

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Thanks, everyone! Tucker is so submissive to me that it was really easy to work on him. Also, I don't know if this is true for all wheaten cairns, or if Tucker's coat is just so poor that it comes out easier, but I find that he's much easier to "pluck" than Scruffy, whose hair is much more coarse than Tucker's.

I have tried using a stripping knife, pumice stone, and rubber finger cots but what works best around the face for me is my bare fingers, and I use the fingernail of my index finger to pinch the fine hair to my thumb. (make sense?)

At the risk of breaking the forum rules, I found my table on eBay.


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I have thought about a grooming table because Tink is SO BAD when I groom her - usually by putting her on top of the clothes dryer. She doesn't fight me or anything, but she trembles, and sits down so I can't get to her very well. I have never even seen a grooming table, other than at the groomers and I haven't paid that much attention. I'm thinking that with the straps I could force her to stand up. Is that correct? Also, approximately how much should a standard table cost? I would appreciate input on the cost part, as I'm not too good at determining when I am getting a good price. I tend to find it and buy it, which isn't the best way to shop.




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